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Hi ! Like many other people in this forum, I’m still experiencing podcast playback skipping randomly. It starts to play and skip to another episode after a random time. Sometimes I can (rarely) play an entire episode. Sometimes it skips. 

I tried on Android app, on the phone only, and streamed through chromecast.  Same issue. I tried on the mac desktop app, playback does not skips but stops, and an error message appears.

I’ve search through this forum, I tried to clear all caches, and reinstall the app many times, still have this terribly annoying issue.

Every time it's the same answer : cache / reboot / reinstall. And it does'nt work. And it makes me really crazy. I'm forced to use Youtube music with ads to listen to my podcasts. Instead of an app I’ve paid for.

Reading the forums, It's been two years and no clear answer, no fix. Please. Fix it.

I have a Pixel 7, a macbook pro M1. A 1GB/s fiber connection. It’s might not be a hardware issue. As I said, I already tried everything you mention. And even if the connection was poor, the app should pause, not skip. It’s definitely a bug.

Did you read my post ? I already tried all of that…

The skipping can happen every 10min sometimes it’s 20… It’s only on podcasts. Music is working fine


Hi ​@Pulesjapot! Sorry to hear you’re still dealing with the podcast skipping issue.

I haven’t had other users reporting this recently, and I checked the system, everything seems fine on our end.

Would you mind sharing a video of the issue? It would really help me pass it along to the devs so they can take a closer look.

Hi Leonidia !

I narrowed the problem. It seems to occur only while streaming the podcast to a Chromecast Device (An old Chromecast 4k), connected to a Marantz amplifier (NR1711). When I’m outputting the playback via bluetooth on the same amp, there’s no issue now.


