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Starting yesterday I've noticed that some artists have no discography in their profile, which makes finding certain albums impossible without knowing their name or songs (I'm in the beta program, I don't know if it's a beta only problem, but it's really detrimental to the ease of use of the app) 


Hey @27ricky04

Thank you for report it. That’s a problem from the label side, sometimes happens. 😕

Can you please send me the link of the correct Artist page and the link of the song in the wrong page? 🤔

Thank you.

Also seeing this, the discography section is missing from a huge number of artists that I follow, making music really hard to find. Hoping this gets fixed soon.


To be clear this is ONLY happening on the app, NOT on the website or desktop electron app. It is making things somewhat unusuable for me though.


A few examples include Matt Lange, Pablo Bolivar, and Maksim Dark.

This is also happening to me. I don't believe it's a label issue as I can see the records just fine on desktop. Please fix it!! I tried searching for Jacuzzi Boys and on their profile page there's no discography.

I’m currently deciding between Deezer and Tidal, and this is a major issue for me.

Hi @bdsa!

Are you on the Beta version too? 🤔


Yep, I am!

Hi @bdsa!

Are you on the Beta version too? 🤔


I am also on the beta version, but I uninstalled and reinstalled (after leaving the beta on the Play store) and it’s still happening, so isn’t related to that.

Hey @bdsa @planedrop

Please send me the Deezer version you have installed, the Android version and a screenshot of the issue, the one you find on PC and the same you can’t find on mobile? 🕵🏽

Thank you.😊

Hey @bdsa @planedrop

Please send me the Deezer version you have installed, the Android version and a screenshot of the issue, the one you find on PC and the same you can’t find on mobile? 🕵🏽

Thank you.😊

Actually, as an update, this is good now. It WAS (I think) a beta issue and for some reason Google Play had some kind of bug and even though I had left the beta, uninstalled the app, then reinstalled the app, it still gave me the beta version. 


Now on the regular version when I go in it shows discography like it should. 

@planedrop amazing! Thank you! 😊

Leaving the beta and reinstalling the app fixed the issue for me!

@bdsa great! 🙌🏼

Having same issues. Missing discographies for loads of artists.  Tried uninstalling and same issues. I can only seem to load the beta version on my phone. Please advise how to fix.

On above, there is definitely a bug with the beta version on phone. Eventually deleted beta, and the normal version installed. Problem has gone - you need to look at the beta version coding, definitely something amiss there.

Same problem for me. Latest Stable Android version. Reinstall does not help.