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Deezer Pro Android downloads keep crasking app

  • 18 April 2022
  • 1 reply

App version

So in the past week or so I've been having a problem or two with downloading stuff: every time I try to download an album via the three dots on the Albums page (this happens with every album or playlist I try to download), the app will suddenly list the album being downloaded twice, then crash and reopen having not downloaded the album or playlist in question. In Downloaded Music the album or playlist will have the green dot saying it's downloaded, but when I try to play it in offline mode it's not there. I have to go back into online mode, then into the album in Downloaded Music, then toggle the download switch in there off and then on, and then it'll download.

I've also noticed a second problem recently that may or may not be related: several albums listed in Downloaded Music have no information attached to them: no artist, album, tracks, or anything, just an empty page with the grey music note icon instead of an album cover. I don't even know which albums these are and I can't remove them from Downloaded Music through the three dots (AFAIK the only option for doing so).

I suspect the answer is "uninstall and reinstall the app, then redownload a whole huge bunch of music," but I'm hoping against hope there's another way, because that would take quite a long time

edit: Yes, I tried logging out and back in again, same problem

eidt: Oops typo in the title lol. Also “Pro” should be “Premium"

Hey @garbageman14

Hmmm I am sorry to disappoint but the first thing to do is uninstall and reinstall. 

Do you have a lot of downloads? 

Maybe that’s the reason why it’s bugging, you could try “undownloading” some music before reinstalling.