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Deezer playback stops randomly within songs or audio books when either connected via Bluetooth to a car or headphones. It does not happen on the direct playback via phone speakers (never).

Sometimes it automatically returns after a while also when not unlocking the phone.

It seems to continue playing after you unlock the phone and return to the app.

Also the controls on the lock screen and on the car or headphone seem not to help (pausing or jump to the next song)

It seems to be buggy for a few weeks now and I assume it came with an deezer update. 

I am using a Samsung s20+.


Hope you can help me getting back deezer to the quality level I was used to.





@Felix Wagner Have you tried all the basic troubleshooting, clear cache, reinstall it and increase the smart cache?

@Felix Wagner You sure you are not touching your headphones by mistake? For example my Bluetooth WH1000X-M3 from Sony can suddenly stop the playback if a bit of raindrop touches the area where you are changing tracks or volume on your headphones. In this case updating firmware on BT headphones might help. It works only on “fancy” things, not on these cheap models from €29 a pair.

Also worth noting that your internet connection may be poor and why it also can happen.

I work in IT and headphones problems are almost weekly stuff.

I’d recommend to proceed in exactly this order:

  1. Remove bluetooth headphones from your laptop or phone using Forget device option.
  2. Reboot your device at least once.
  3. Turn your Bluetooth off.
  4. Turn your Bluetooth on.
  5. Turn your headphones in pairing mode and pair again.

I hope this makes your life easier. For problem solving it is important to know does it happen on any other device? I listen Deezer Premium on Bluetooth headphones (model in my message).

I can’t remember when they did stop in the middle… and when they did it was a raindrop :grin:

Your headphones button may be as well faulty. Swapping recommended.

I am living in lost town, so I have 5+ kilometers to next shop with electronics. So far I was able to swap my earphones using warranty paying nothing for new pair. Sony’s seem to work.

10 years ago I was working at great shop selling electronics, and I never recommended cheap models. Anything cheap is not a good purchase. You use a bit more to get decent stuff.

Dear hpguru.


I am absolutely sure that I am not touching my headphones and as this also appears in my car onnected to the car audio I assume that this cannot be the reason.


Another observation is that the car audio shows that the song still plays (time is counting).

It only goes on when I unlock my screen and jump to the app (without pressing any button or resume)

Also while I updated now to beta this does not improve. 


Really looking forward to an answer. 






@Rafael. Yes I cleared the cash and even installed new

Is there an answer from deezer about this? It happens to me all the time when listening to music, even downloaded albums. Always its via Bluetooth on my beats studio headphones. It's so annoying...

Hey @skywalker482 

Thanks for reaching out and for your patience. Apologies for the inconvenience.

Could you please give us more details like your Deezer app version, device model and OS? Have you tried reinstalling our app and restarting your device to see if it helps?

Are you connecting to a car as well or only the Beats?


It only does it when using Bluetooth and my beats studio headphones... 

It'll start playback and then just stop by itself. Sometimes after less than a minute and sometimes after 3 or 4 minutes.. sometime it'll do it once and other times it'll do it multiple times. Always at least once though.

I'm using a Samsung a71 android mobile to Bluetooth the downloaded albums from my deezer account


It's REALLY annoying especially as I'm using it to try and aid sleep and I have to keep restarting the music or open the app and press play over and over... 

Oh, you're listening to fall asleep with the app, that's frustrating! @skywalker482 

Could you please try re pairing the headphones to see if it helps? Does it have in ear sensors ou touch control? I have a feeling the headphones are triggering this :thinking:

Definitely not the headphones... as I've tried 3 different sets and it does it with all of them. The beats are not touched at all when the music stops. 

I've tried re pairing and this does not help. 

Thanks for confirming it @skywalker482 

If you update to 6.2.35 does it still happen?


Android 11

Battery optimization for Deezer turned off. Background processes optimisation for Deezer turned off. Bluetooth headset is not touched. And when the playback stops, the playback slider keeps moving. And the playback indicator is in "playing" state. And Apple Music on these very same devices doesn't have this issue. Does Deezer gave something to offer except "did you try turning it off and on again"? Reinstalling is not an option with about 15 Gb of downloaded HiFi content.



This occurs even when playing downloaded content. Every now and then, 3-4 times in 30 minutes. Very disgusting, I was hoping to migrate to Deezer from Apple Music but no, this is not even usable.


Android 11

Battery optimization for Deezer turned off. Background processes optimisation for Deezer turned off. Bluetooth headset is not touched. And when the playback stops, the playback slider keeps moving. And the playback indicator is in "playing" state. And Apple Music on these very same devices doesn't have this issue. Does Deezer gave something to offer except "did you try turning it off and on again"? Reinstalling is not an option with about 15 Gb of downloaded HiFi content.



Hey there, sorry to hear this. What is the Bluetooth set that you are using? Have you tried these steps? 

  1. Remove bluetooth headphones from your laptop or phone using Forget device option.
  2. Reboot your device at least once.
  3. Turn your Bluetooth off.
  4. Turn your Bluetooth on.
  5. Turn your headphones in pairing mode and pair again.


Yep, still happening to this day. The downloaded music theory makes sense, but it has happened to me whilst streaming off wifi and mobile data as well. It actually happened tonight whilst working out. Pain in the arse!!!

Anyone got a fix for this? This happend with my Sony phone which I put down to the phone but recently changed to Google pixal phone and is still happening 😡


Also been having this problem. Thought it was crappy headphones but it has persisted even with a new pair. Audio stops but the song time continues until it is paused and played again. Went through all the steps listed above and am still having this issue. It's extremely frustrating at the gym or on my bike. I've been a long time user of deezer and don't want to recreate my library on another app so an answer on this would be greatly appreciated. 

I have the exact same problem. I believe many other people who do, don't report it. It took a long time for me to be annoyed enough to go online with this. 

If I start deezer, play and lock my phone, all is well. When I unlock my phone, read a message or two. Lock again, deezer will stop within 1-3 minutes. This ONLY happens on Bluetooth. Doesn't matter what I'm hooked up to. Headphones, external speaker or my car's headunit. Same trash behavior. I've done everything I can think of (I'm in IT). The steps in this thread are "generic" and hopeful at best to keep us busy chasing rabbits but is not a fix. This is a bug. Just hope deezer recognizes it before I go back to Tidal. 

Hello all, @Kimmey @mrh @Jawschewa @Patroklai!

Sorry to hear about this issue. 

We need to investigate it further to understand what is happening. 

Could you please tell me from which device you are playing from? Android/iOS version, app version? 

From your app can you send a screenshot of the “Data and storage” page? 

If possible a video of the bug? 

Thanks a lot! 

App version is - Android.

Video might be difficult. But issue is the same as described above. It seems to happen less if I leave the app in the forefront, then lock my phone. If I hit home (app now in background) and lock phone, it is almost guaranteed to happen. It's almost like it's running out of cache or the app lost access to the Bluetooth connection. The playback isn't interrupted, however, you can see the progress bar moving but there is no sound. If I pause/play, playback is restored. I also noticed "blips" or skips during Bluetooth playback indicating some kind of cache or memory not optimized issue. Just a guess. See screenshot. 


Hey @Patroklai , could you please change the battery settings for the Deezer App from optimized to unrestricted

Let us know if you notice any improvements!!

Done. It was a little strange to find.

Settings > audio > Audio output > Deezer connect


Then I got a pop-up asking me to "stop battery optimization" hit yes/Ok.


I'll update this thread with my results. 

The steps above seem to have resolved the problem. 


Thank you very much for the assist. Might need a to be set as a default setting on future version releases so to avoid any issues in the future. 
