include scrobbling for deezer family

  • 24 January 2020
  • 11 replies

Userlevel 2

Hi, is there any way you could enable scrobbling on secondary family accounts?

That is the only feature I am missing. I am considering going back to spotify if there is no way to fix it. I am aware of the browser addon but I use the deezer app on my computer.

11 replies

you can use the feature by linking your Deezer account to
here’s how you do it:
Click here

Userlevel 6
Badge +5

you can use the feature by linking your Deezer account to
here’s how you do it:
Click here

The problem is that family accounts have a mother account with witch they log in the rest of 5 family members. They see what you said, but are not their own settings, are mother account settings.
That’s why some people made a topic asking for 6 true family accounts.

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Hi there @walker @homam_gamer @David Galevski 

Thank you for the feedback - moved the topic as it's an improvement to an existing idea. @bluezzbastardzz with the extension for Edge, can this problem be mitigated or is it something we need to do on our side?

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

The Web Scrobbler browser extension for almost all browsers (except Safari) that the original poster is aware of could be used by family members who have to listen to Deezer in the web player then. Another option for them would be the Android app or other external Android scrobblers which support the Deezer Android app.

But he doesn’t, he uses the desktop app, so he and his main account (if he is the owner) is tied to the internal Deezer scrobbling option which can be enabled in the web player account settings under Alerts & Sharing. The other family members could have an individual account and exclusively use the Web Scrobbler with the web player though, but not use the desktop app then, because it only scrobbles with the internal Deezer option which connects both accounts (Deezer and, so everything the Deezer Family account owner listens to would appear on their individual profiles.

Furthermore family members do not see the necessary setting to connect to in the web player under Alerts & Sharing, so they couldn’t connect to their account even if they wanted, see e.g. this related Reddit thread with a screenshot. I have updated the FAQ about Deezer scrobbling with this important detail.

Spotify does not have this problem, because they offer separate logins and profiles for each family member, as far as I know. There is at least one related idea on this forum where affected users can vote:

Also related are these threads and ideas:

Last but not least interesting to know:


TL;DNR: Family members must use the Web Scrobbler extension in their browser or an Android scrobbler for Deezer. :wink:

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Hey @bluezzbastardzz 

Thanks for sharing this feedback with us. All are accurate.

At the moment our devs are thinking about a way to improve the Family logins, so it's something that should be tackled this year :thumbsup_tone2:

@Rudi It seems like you still can’t connect your accounts? I’ve managed to make a separate login for my account, which is tied to the family plan, but there still isn’t an option to connect to Probably wouldn’t be hard to implement the feature for each individual family member.

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

That’s right, family members still cannot use the internal Deezer scrobbling option.

This is a much needed feature.

Let me help sell you the need for it:

kids. Kids are using Deezer and they want these stats that are scrobbled. They talk about it with their peers. These kids will be Deezer users of their own after they leave the nest. You want them to remain loyal to Deezer. If they can’t compare these stats with their peers they are left out and have a distaste for Deezer. My 12 year old kid loved Deezer, but now she thinks it sucks. That’s a bad marketing imprint.

Today I wanted to connect my secondary family account (with its own separate login!) to just to find out that it’s not possible. This is really sad and I hope the option will be available soon, because this would drive me (and the whole family account with me) to switch to Spotify as it seems to be working there.

Considering that separate accounts are now possible, I don’t see why it is still not possible to connect each to their own account.

Are there any concrete plans to implement this feature/enhancement?

It works for me. As a family members i use the internal Deezer scrobbling option. The way I accomplished this is first set up the scrobbling option with free account, then connect to the family account.

The scrobbling menu will be gone, but scrobbling still works in the background. At least it works for me, I did this like 3 years ago...

Good to know! Unfortunately not very user friendly and I don’t really want to disconnect from family just to set this up.

Since it’s already technically possible, it shouldn’t be a huge problem to actually implement it for already connected accounts and could be a quick task for the developers.

This just makes me expect this feature even sooner 😅
