
Access Full Recently Played

  • 5 June 2023
  • 4 replies

Currently you can see the recently played list from the currently playing 

But can’t access the tracks or like them

They are Greyed Out 

However You can in Playlists 

Why not? 
It would make it simple if it was available where your listening 


4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hey @Stevie Wonder, where are you accessing the recently played queue from? 

Can you tell me your steps? 



thanks for your reply 

I was just making comment that you can access just heard in two places 

however they are different 

one you can add the ❤️ 

the other you can’t 

It’s also easier to access the list from the currently playing screen 

I hope that explains it 


Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @Stevie Wonder,
Thanks for sharing this information. Will be very helpful to our users.😀

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @Stevie Wonder for further investigation, could you record a video of the step by step you do, so we can pass this info to our developers?

Also confirm the iOS and Deezer app version you have installed and do you manage to reproduce same issue on PC or an Android phone?
