
Deezer desktop app Windows 10 can't login - looping on the login screen

  • 1 June 2023
  • 2 replies

The issue happens on the Deezer desktop app on Windows 10 (version DeezerDesktopSetup_5.30.540).

The issue is reproduced like this:

  • open the app → the login screen is displayed with the choice “What will you listen to today?” and choice “Login” and “Sign up”.
  • choose the “Login” option → a browser tab is opened to the Deezer login page in your default browser
  • Fill the details and press the login button → like is usually the case, the Deezer desktop app comes back to the front and the login screen blinks as if it was going to open the usual Deezer welcome page, but instead of opening the page, the login screen is displayed again.

I can listen to music in the Firefox browser after logging in in the 2nd step, so I am sure I am logged in in the browser. However, the desktop app doesn’t open.

What I tried:

  • different default browser → switch to Chrome, but the same sequence of action happened.
  • switching off the app, removing the cache data from my browser and reopen again, but after doing this, the same sequence of action happened.
  • reinstalling the Deezer app, but the same sequence of action happened again after this.

I have seen no recent post about this issue, so I need to assume that it is a specific issue. Can you help with this?

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2 replies



Indeed, it finally worked after reinstalling the app.



Best regards,

Mathieu Jasserand

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hello @mathieujasserand

hmm this behaviour is unusual. When you switch the browser to Chrome, you are connected to your Deezer account on the web page and can listen from there? 
Just like Firefox? 

Could you please reinstall the desktop app a few times? I know it’s not an ideal solution, but it does work after a while :((