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Your Month in Music

  • 5 July 2024
  • 4 replies

Any ideas why Your month in music is only received for some users and not all users? I heard Deezer is doing away with it? I haven’t seen mine since March.  



Hi @camcam !

I have info from our community manager that some cases may be due to a system error, and others are because they are temporarily excluded from Deezer communications (emails and push notifications) and that's why you are not receiving Your Month in Music .


@Leonídia.Deezer can you check  @camcam Your Month in Music  !?

Hey @camcam please get in touch with our Deezer Support Team and one of our agents will check your account in our system and let you know why you haven’t received your month in music lately.
Thanks and apologies for the inconvenience.

It would be cool to have all these stats integrated within the Deezer app itself instead of having to rely on push emails that sometimes don’t make it to all end users. 

Hi @camcam, thank you for your message.

Some users are temporarily excluded from our communications (emails and push notifications).

This process helps us compare the behavior between users who receive messages and those who don't, allowing us to improve our messages to make them more relevant to your musical preferences.

This exclusion is temporary and lasts only a few months. After this period, you will receive our messages as usual.

We greatly appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
