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All those LBGTQ+ are minorities, it has like small percentage of people. Why should it be promoted to first place? I just feel validated kind of psychologically mind raped each time I have to see promotion of something like that. 

It would be perfect to be able to choose to switch off that suggestion all together. But if there is no choice to switch it off, then how about to place it at the end of a list? I mean all people can need “motivation, party, chill, focus” and so on, but just a tiny percentage belong to Pride something.

Pride and greed also are basically the only two sins that exists in short in my understanding also. 
So that’s it, just don’t put the least usable thing in a place that is accessible the fastest. 

It’s just going against logic and going against efficiency.

Or was this decision based on someone’s feelings, instead of logic and order? I’m just tired of that goo.

Hey @Name.User 

Pride Month runs for a single month and ends on June 30th.
From July 1st, the Pride Mood will be removed.

So you saw the rainbow a little more prominently for 1/12 of the year.

Hi, thank you for your input @dee_dirk 

Didn't know about this month thing.

Again, many important dates have only one day for celebration and remembrance, sometimes two days. 

I guess it really depends where you live, some countries have really weird cultures, and this app is on global stage which mixes things up.

Looks to me as some weird religion that is not believed in other parts of the world, and it's not great when beliefs are forcefully preached and you can't just close the door on it.


In which country do you live?

Hi @Name.User ,

As @dee_dirk  said above, Pride is only for a month, every June.

I am not religious, and don’t really enjoy the Christmas period, but all streaming services make a big effort to give their customers a good experience during that time. It is the same with Pride, where certainly Spotify and Apple Music put Pride music in prominent positions in their apps during each June. It is fantastic to see services, and especially Deezer showing their support to the LGBTQ+ community and others throughout the year, with BLM and Women’s Voices for example. Nothing is being ‘preached’ to you. It’s really very simple, if you don’t like it, just skip past that section. 


With the Pride month, it is about LGBTQ people and their friends celebrating the progress that many have made in equal rights and love. The awful thing is that there are still terrorist attacks aimed at LGBTQ people (as well as generally) even in this last week, and that someone could be born in a country where their own sexual orientation is illegal, or punishable by death just because of who they love. Even rights that have been gained are under continued threat in some countries. 


I am sorry you feel ‘psychologically mind ra**d’, but for it to have that effect on you, it would seem there are greater issues at play.  As @Yula said in another thread, Deezer will not stop celebrating the LGBTQ+ community, and thank goodness for that. I’d like to thank Deezer for their support and for the other things they do throughout the year to celebrate, and for example, highlight under-represented areas of music such as Women’s Voices. 


Love is Love.

Thank you for your extensive input @Zayn-T 

I initially wrote here from the perspective of when user interface doesn’t give any choice and forces something on people. Even more so when they don’t prefer or don’t agree with the thing being enforced. And I am not sure this is a place do discuss things like LGBTQ+.

But I appreciate some insights. I agree that people should not be punishable by death or that it is illegal for people to have different preferences when it comes to private life.

But maybe, as it relates to weather such things as “Pride ideology” should be promoted on Deezer I will try to write down my view on the matter. 

  1. I would not, and I think many or most people would not, have a problem with there existing LGBTQ+ people who have their own preferences in their own private life that is hidden from the public in a same way that Straight people do not publicly talk about their sex life or promote sex publicly. 
  2. I don’t have much experience with LGBTQ+ community in real life. Most of it is what I see being done online. So it is hard to talk about it. I have been sexually assaulted on a beach once by a gay person. And I do have a slight gay acquaintance that told his story about him being married, having children but then being disappointed in women so much and becoming actively gay. I seem to understand that. But in a way it is a hard topic for me, as I said I am not from a country where it is popular. I live in Europe, one of the countries around Baltic sea. It’s not illegal, but seen as not normal in a way.
  3. The big problem begins with what our children are being exposed to. I don’t think children should be promoted to have sex or sexual activities in school, they should not be show some pornographic material. And many of the “Pride” movements are not portrayed as some dignified people having their own life and own preference, but highlighting a lot their sexual life. Like wearing leather costumes, being on a leash, talking in sexualized voice. All that is not a content appropriate for children. The European Union is also trying to “mind rape” the children by including very disturbing content in educational books. This is where all the negativity to LGBTQ+ comes from. No one straight people publicly promotes sex, doesn’t talk in a sexualized voice - or they are being called a creep or called a sex offender or a voyeurist. Children are still trying to make friends, they are not mature enough to form romantic relationships so soon. And sex life should be even left for after family creation in a better case. I think it is okay to see if you are compatible sexually with a person you are engaged with and plan to make a family anyway. But fucking around with high levels of dopamine with not serious relationships is just bad for society in general, and just leads to people being not happy. Sex is an intimate thing, doing it without deep relationship is just detrimental psychologically. People better should spend more time on learning how to form meaningful relationships.
    And now there are some University professors and other figures who are promoting pedophilia as a next thing saying that those people are also just like that.. they just love young people and they can’t help themselves. I disagree.
  4. I also, do think that a lot of people being gay and similar is related to chemical influence, and after yesterday some talk online to kids playing computer games for prolonged time choosing different gender avatar than their own. The levels of testosterone are dropping down each year by 1%. There are much chemicals in our daily lives like shampoo, soup, hairspray, air freshener in car - that are admittedly a reason for some mental illnesses too. Drugs like “birth control” (and all other patented drugs) are not dissolving and are present in water we drink in high quantities. (This is second most important pollution problem after first one being world polluted with microplastics). There are also admittedly “chemtrail” thing even if some might guess it’s just a theory. So basically I am saying there is a very big influence for men to become gay forcefully just from chemicals used or breathed in daily. (And in very short why - it is being used by corrupt governments to lessen the Alpha males who could overthrow corruption, and to lower population by destroying family unit that produces children, to increase sales of pharma companies by disturbing normal family values in any way).
  5. So generally when LGBTQ+ is being mentioned I don’t feel great about it. And I think the problem is that often good people who are working and living their lives does not go very public and express their opinion - they just live. So maybe all that promotion comes just from minority of LGBTQ+. My solution would be if LGBTQ+ community would have some sort of representative agency, with some public policy that would be CLEARLY expressed and accessible to others. Others could form a clear opinion about it. I think maybe if such representative agency would be elected and the average opinion would expressed by LGBTQ+ community - maybe the result would be, that they too don’t want to brainwash children in schools. that they too just want to live their normal lives without negatively affecting others, and just so that others would not bother them. That would be something I could also be calm about, and agree upon. But for now I don’t know what is the percentage of such people, but I see a lot of “emotionally unstable” people, or people who have “mental illness” in that category too often. I also see people being into depression, doing various antidepressants and other addictive substances, drugs related to those who promote LGBTQ+. So often it seems just like an unhealthy way of life. I am trying to analyze and understand myself why I don’t like LGBTQ+ activity. But I think it is mostly what relates to influence to kids and that often relates to other unhealthy activities.
  6. I am a straight person, but I did have too many experiences of when women are toxic in relationships, and I see some logic in that men escape to being gay. But I would like there to be a solution to toxic people, and people would just learn to form healthy and meaningful relationships. 
  7. Also, being straight, if I go to a gym public shower, and if I think if there might be some gay men there - that thought is disturbing to me. And I would prefer to not be sexualized by the same sex I am.

If there is any suggestions or solutions of problems mentioned, I would appreciate hearing your insights. Maybe there should be some new name for “dignified part of LGBTQ+ who do intimate stuff privately and do not wish to negatively affect other people”, that would be something I would support. But for now most of the activity is usually just some unstable stuff that is forcefully being promoted on people who do not prefer it, also children being brainwashed. So in general it seems like a bad thing to me. Is there something from LGBTQ+ community that they still need? Can’t they just live already their lives and not scream about it? I don’t know, but honestly as a straight person, the idea of gay sex for example is disturbing to me. So I am not sure why should it be promoted. Why can’t it be just left for private intimate life. And brainwashing kids while they still haven’t learned to form relationships.. it is not appropriate to even promote the straight sex to them, not even talking about other more perverse stuff. I think I try to be fair and uphold good values. And I appreciate if I can learn from people who have different experience and understanding, or different view.

Have a good day.


TW: Homophobic content. 

@Name.User OMG Dude, if you think a slightly more colorful wheel will weaken your fragile heterosexuality, I suggest you don't use it then.

And I don't know what types of gays you met or who showed you these types of gays, but they seem pretty stereotypical, with a distorted view of reality.

No LGBTQIA+ is concerned with destroying you family as they are more concerned with building their own life.

You say that people are gay because something happened to them, is prejudiced and homophobic, and shows a distorted view of the world.

And don't worry, no gay guy will mind you at gym public shower a bathroom. We have beautiful people in the community and we don't need to bother with a straight man with a sexuality problem.

Hello @Name.User


Everything you said about the LGBTQ+ community, women and people in general is way more hurtful, stereotypical, dangerous and just fundamentally wrong than our Pride Wheel. 

We are a music streaming company, music is what we do and it would be completely ignorant for us to not talk about the IMMENSE influence the LGBTQ+ community has has and continues having in music. 

We did not promote any of the behaviours you described, we promoted music! 


Your post is against our Community Guidelines, please consider this a warning: 

“We ask that all members of the Deezer community behave in a civil manner and treat other members with respect and courtesy at all times.

Our community managers and moderators have full discretion to address any behaviour they feel is inappropriate and can remove any content that they feel is unacceptable. This includes (but is not limited to):

  • Discrimination of any kind
  • Threatening posts/behaviour
  • Behaviour likely to offend...”

This discussion really saddens me, it could have been a constructive conversation and a chance to educate ourselves, but I do not see any of this in this exchange. 

We will not hide our appreciation to all LGBTQ+ artists who created beautiful music for everyone to enjoy, we support love and inclusivity in all shapes and forms, we do not expect everyone to share our same values and we will fight for everyone to have their own opinion.




I was called homophobic and other bad names after last post for no clear and exact reason, so not knowing what might be the problem I will put my reply into spoiler.

As for software development, my point was that people should have the ability to choose. It doesn't matter what. If someone is doesn't prefer something it is a good practice to be able to avoid it. Enforcing something on others, putting it in their face as a first priority when they don't prefer it is not great in light term. And I don't need to even mention a term like "LGBTQ+" at this, it applies to everything.


I came here with questions and show my logic. And got some insights from @dee_dirk and @Zayn-T. That's why I felt optimistic that there could be a person who could give me more insights and help me expand my view on the topic. I wrote honestly with best wishes, respect and openness to see through others eyes. I gave my reasoning. Even shared my intimate experiences where I was assaulted on beach. But so far instead of help or insights - I received calling of names: "fragile", "afraid of humans". And harmful without explanation…


I had hoped from previous replies that there could maybe be a person who could give me some broader view or something from their experience from another country where this other type of lifestyle is more present. And I still wish to learn. So if there is anyone - I would appreciate if you could send me a private/direct message. 


I disagree that I wrote anything that violates community guidelines. But I don't think it is possible to question those. Maybe the key word is FEEL. I wrote about my personal experience, and reasoning with logic.


In my country there was actually an incident where the president was impeached because he "violated the spirit of constitution", even though he did not "violate the constitution, did not break any rule". The ones who are rulers are in charge. And they can do whatever they feel like without accountability or explanation, without any process to be fair to innocent.

I think it would be a different story if I lied something, of had any bad intentions. But I really came from respect, honesty, vulnerability, openness to learn more. 

So will the conclusion be that if I ask - I just got called names and even given warning without pointing out any clear and exact reason. Or maybe even given some other type of action without any clear and exact reason.

If so then conclusion would be to be more cautious. I really do not think that all you want to portray is that representatives of such ideology can not talk, can not reason, that they just call you bad names and will take bad action against you. 


I could further explain why it was real life, real experience, real events, real decisions not some stereotypes in what I wrote in the post before. But as I see it is a dangerous place to talk about this topic here - I WILL ABIDE by the RULERS here and not talk about this topic that you forbid to talk about. Even if I did respect the rules and community guidelines, and had no and will have no intention to disrespect the community guidelines.


I wish you all peace. Wish you would not call other people bad names, do not attack others. Wish you have something to help others learn if they honestly wish to learn about your view. I am sorry if there is something that I do not know offends you. I just can not change something I do not know about. I could make a guess, but I am afraid that if I make a guess - even that guess could be something that I would be attacked for. So there will not be possible to talk I guess. I think I will be able to use this outcome to teach other people about how things work with these things. Even though one event is not a generalization.


But honestly, I did not expect that. This is kind of scary to think about. My recommendation would be that if not here, somewhere people would talk about things. Talking may lead to more understanding.


On more positive note, I did learn that this was "Pride" month, and that there exist similar in length occurrence with Christmas season. I also found something I can support LGBTQ+ for - for it to not be illegal or prosecuted.

Also, english is not my native language. So there is a chance, maybe I did not express myself correctly if I had received false allegations. Well, we will never know. 
I am not sure if I am even allowed to say how scary such experience is.




I still appreciate Deezer as I use it for many years. When I first made a choice for it was because it provided best quality (flac/bitrate) music. And the flow mechanics I like it. I also use a search engine made in France.


Still thinking that some words in english have a few meanings...


Wish you all a great summer! 

Linux desktop users are less than 2.5% of the OS marketshare. By your reasoning Deezer shouldn't divert resources to so few people. “It’s just going against logic and going against efficiency.”

That is your logic. So, why the inconsistency? 

You are called homophobic, because your reasoning like most of those who hate… You made yourself the victim. (Mind Raped). Your argument is not clear. each reason that you give is a fragment. You appeal to logic, but your argument is made illogical by it fragmented claims and hyperbolically vulgar language. Moreover, your Linux request seems to suggest that you are ok with some minorities being treated like the majority. 

Are you being raped, because you being forced to look at an icon? It is clearly klabeled. You can just go to any of the others. It would be more like “rape” I you had to click on it and go to that page to click on the other moods. 

For months a huge flag (size of a billboard has been waving in my direct view of my high-rise building. I have to look direct east or west to avoid looking at it. I don’t like the flag. Am I being psychologically mind raped? I am paying a lot o money for this view. Should I get a discount until they finally remove it?

All those LBGTQ+ are ̶m̶̶i̶̶n̶̶o̶̶r̶̶i̶̶t̶̶i̶̶e̶̶s̶̶,̶̶ ̶̶i̶̶t̶̶ ̶̶h̶̶a̶̶s̶̶ ̶̶l̶̶i̶̶k̶̶e̶̶ ̶̶s̶̶m̶̶a̶̶l̶̶l̶̶ ̶̶p̶̶e̶̶r̶̶c̶̶e̶̶n̶̶t̶̶a̶̶g̶̶e̶̶ ̶̶o̶̶f̶̶ ̶people.


Fixed it for you.

You’re welcome.

Celebrating Queer Music. Why would that even be considered a Genre or worth celebrating? Will we be celebrating Straight Music too? Really Deezer, I don't care who sings the music I listen too. Stop attaching sexual ideologies to the simple pleasure of listening to music. Deezer is a service provider, not a moral compass. Virtual signaling maybe? Just don't use this platform to entertain any sexual ideologies, please, especially those of a small minority who offend some others. We just want to listen to music by genre. Unless you will allow us a bottom where we can block 🚫 those promotions? Cause I don't want to be bombarded with this, while my own beliefs never get acknowledged or gets ignored in the process. 

****Comment deleted as against our Community guidelines: 

Our community managers and moderators have full discretion to address any behaviour they feel is inappropriate and can remove any content that they feel is unacceptable. This includes (but is not limited to):

  • Discrimination of any kind
  • Threatening posts/behaviour
  • Behaviour likely to offend...”

Agree 100% 

This a music format.

Promotion of political, religious, sexual orientation, is not what I signed up for.

Happy to delete my account.

I will also monitor how they continue with this. Been a member for years. Not going to spend my money on things promoting and celebrating topics of a private nature. It is uncalled for and offensive. Time that we speak with our money. All we signed up for is 🎶 music!!!!

100% agree. We sign up for music not political, or sexual ideologies. Unnecessary and indeed offensive to some people. Then they should start to celebrate Straight music too? I will be ending my membership if they continue down this path of pushing selective irrelevant ideologies down my throat. Not homophobic, simply not interested in other people's sexual orientation on a music platform. Deezer should not try and be moral compass or virtual signaler...stick to being a MUSIC PLATFORM (what we signed up for)

Then they should start to celebrate Straight music too?

I don’t really consider myself a math guy, but isn’t the other 99% of the 90 million track catalog straight music?


Happy to delete my account.


Then they should start to celebrate Straight music too?

I don’t really consider myself a math guy, but isn’t the other 99% of the 90 million track catalog straight music?

Even more reason to celebrate it! Why bother celebrating 1% specifically (and btw that 1% refuse to acknowledge the 99%'s right to existence and our idea of family/marriage are being attacked by their insecurities)???? Let's stick to GENRES, cause that is what 🎶 MUSIC is about? Sexuality is irrelevant on Deezer.

Then they should start to celebrate Straight music too?

I don’t really consider myself a math guy, but isn’t the other 99% of the 90 million track catalog straight music?

Even more reason to celebrate it! Why bother celebrating 1% specifically (and btw that 1% refuse to acknowledge the 99%'s right to existence and our idea of family/marriage are being attacked by their insecurities)???? Let's stick to GENRES, cause that is what 🎶 MUSIC is about? Sexuality is irrelevant on Deezer.

LGBT is a genre and has been for a number of years on music services such as this one, Apple Music and Spotify. I’m really not sure where your comments come into this about family and marriage, this is about music. You can do what you like family and marriage wise, and so can I with same-sex. When I was younger, it would have been amazing to have the visibilty of LGBT culture to help me coming to terms with my own identity and sexuality. 


You refer in an earlier post to not celebrating topics of a private nature. You seem to be confusing the genre and what people do in their personal lives which seems very odd. 


Deezer has a history of representing minority voices such as BLM and Womens voices. Perhaps @Yula will join this conversation, but from what has been said before, that is unlikely to change or with other music streaming services. 


There are some genres I’m not so keen on, such as Christmas. However, I do not come on here asking for that not to be shown as many people enjoy that (and scroll past it - it’s so easy just to move on), as many people enjoy the LGBT channel (which include many ‘straight’ supporters). I am concerned that you seem very fixated @One Life. Live It on LGBT issues when I’m sure there’s other things for you to put so much concern towards. Just scroll past it - its so easy to do...


As your username so eloquently portrays, One Life. Live it - perhaps you really should try it - I do….



I want to stop receiving "pride" playlist and anything related to this  sick ideologies.  Is there any way to stop receiving this ¨recommendations"???

Maybe @Yula​​ or @Leonídia.Deezer  can comment on this please?

Hello @Name.User


Everything you said about the LGBTQ+ community, women and people in general is way more hurtful, stereotypical, dangerous and just fundamentally wrong than our Pride Wheel. 

We are a music streaming company, music is what we do and it would be completely ignorant for us to not talk about the IMMENSE influence the LGBTQ+ community has has and continues having in music. 

We did not promote any of the behaviours you described, we promoted music! 


Your post is against our Community Guidelines, please consider this a warning: 

“We ask that all members of the Deezer community behave in a civil manner and treat other members with respect and courtesy at all times.

Our community managers and moderators have full discretion to address any behaviour they feel is inappropriate and can remove any content that they feel is unacceptable. This includes (but is not limited to):

  • Discrimination of any kind
  • Threatening posts/behaviour
  • Behaviour likely to offend...”

This discussion really saddens me, it could have been a constructive conversation and a chance to educate ourselves, but I do not see any of this in this exchange. 

We will not hide our appreciation to all LGBTQ+ artists who created beautiful music for everyone to enjoy, we support love and inclusivity in all shapes and forms, we do not expect everyone to share our same values and we will fight for everyone to have their own opinion.




I will simply repeat what we said last year. 

It’s really sad that we have to keep repeating ourselves. 

I will delete the comment about Pride being a sick ideology because it is not and it goes against our Community guidelines. 


It’s also very sad that LGBT people keep reading this rubbish year after year on this forum @Yula and about ‘sick ideologies’!!!

It’s also very sad that LGBT people keep reading this rubbish year after year on this forum @Yula and about ‘sick ideologies’!!!

You are right! 


I will delete the comment about Pride being a sick ideology because it is not and it goes against our Community guidelines. 


This doesn't answer my request. Does Deezer have any respect for its customers?  
