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Shuffle by whole album

  • 26 May 2024
  • 2 replies

One feature that I think many people would love is to shuffle by the album. So out of all of the albums you’ve favorited, or even better, out of all of your favorited artists, a album is randomly selected. That album is played from track 1 to the end. Then another album is randomly selected. This would be ideal for those who like to listen to whole albums and want them randomly selected for you. It would be like before streaming when you looked through your case of CDs or wall of vinyl and randomly selected one to play.

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

It sounds like a nice feature if this would be possible. On the other hand, will I be using this?

Userlevel 7
Badge +13


Hi @Keelsford !

Something similar already exist. 

You can add albums in QUEUE by order which you want listen them .
Main thing is that you need select them by yourself because missing random (shuffle like you said) mode .

If  you select by yourself it will be like you looked through your case of CDs or vinyl records ,but now on new way .


Here is Tip : How to SHUFFLE songs from PLAYLISTS ,ALBUMS and FAVORITES in QUEUE

(in your case without shuffle mode to listen all album )


