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Hello. Please, could you make Kazakhstan price like in Russia. Russia and Kazakhstan are ex-USSR countries. And people in these two countries have same yearly income. But for some reason Deezer in Kazakhstan have price in dollars. And this makes it too pricey. I know many people who want to start using Deezer. But because of the price, which is not appropriate to Kazakhstan salaries, they pirate music. If price will be like in Russia, they'll start using Dezzer immediately.

wow, I’m surprised that Deezer premium in Georgia (11 euro/month) cost more than in Belarus (7 euro).

Hi @Oji_San I’ll pass the feedback to our payment team, but all our prices are fair according to each market/country and we offer a very competitive subscription. Also we constantly offer promotions such as 3 months free, etc.
Thanks :)

How is it fair that in Russia (median monthly wage 440 USD before tax) Deezer Family is 3,3 USD, and in Belarus (median monthly wage 355 USD before tax) Deezer Family is 12,4 USD?

How is it very competitive, when Spotify Premium for 6 accounts is 8 USD (35% cheaper then Deezer Family),  and Yandex music for 4 account is 3.61 USD (70% cheaper then Deezer Family)?

Hi @Oji_San I’ll pass the feedback to our payment team, but all our prices are fair according to each market/country and we offer a very competitive subscription. Also we constantly offer promotions such as 3 months free, etc.
Thanks :)

Hello @Ruslan K., we’ll be passing forward your feedback to our teams. In your honest opinion, what would be a reasonable price?

Have a nice weekend

I've been using Deezer for years now, and actually never thought that just crossing border from Belarus to Russia can make my subscription cost literally 4 times less. Price discrimination like that, especially for countries with more or less similar residents income, is really a bad business practice.

It will be reasonable to use similar pricing with neighbouring countries, Russia in this case.

Hello @Ruslan K., we’ll be passing forward your feedback to our teams. In your honest opinion, what would be a reasonable price?

Have a nice weekend

I think the maximum price of 1.5 euros for hi fi would suit everyone in Belarus (BY) 🇧🇾 

Hello @GeorgeGeo92, thanks for the feedback, I guess you’re talking about a monthly Premium subscription?

Price in Georgea 🇬🇪 is HIGH.

Please, review prices.

I think maximum price must be about €2

Hello @Ruslan K., we’ll be passing forward your feedback to our teams. In your honest opinion, what would be a reasonable price?

Have a nice weekend

Hello.  Could you review the pricing policy of the subscription for the Republic of Belarus (Belarus, BY)?  The price of 7 - 10 euros per month is too high for a country with a low income.

Hi there, thanks for the feedback! We'll pass it on to the right team and hopefully they'll be able to change it soon! 😉
