
UCPS: I'm looking forward to be part of it!

  • 12 February 2020
  • 27 replies

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Yeah, that’s again not too much, but it could be.

Now especially when you’ve read the bad news about their business model . In my life I have absolutely no problem at spending money, I just need to find need for it and value from it. Tidal’s apps are not that great on phone especially, so I’d not spend around 20 with them monthly. I already trialing them and cancled hifi plus under 3 mo trail. I reported them clever bug on search web app and it’s still not fix. Themost fun thing about them is when I canceled, they tried to offer 30% off from their hifi plus for 6 months I believe? No thanks.

I understand that if they have made their business model stand from the past, it’d be nice to give more for music I listen, but after all these news I really do not trust my faves will see a dime from Tidals.


After reading those two posted items and a bit of research I’m inclined to agree with you both. I suppose time will tell if they honor what they say they will do.

You can see from their app, they promote only music of their creators on their main page.

I don’t think Deezer needs much to overgrow them, at least I didn’t see bad news about Deezer.

Usually Tidal could be great, but they need to change owners maybe.

Feeling like certain artists were being pushed on me has been a grip I’ve had with Tidal both now and in the past.

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