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Toggle between list and tile view not working in discography

  • 19 April 2024
  • 9 replies

The toggle that looks like it switches between list view and tile view in the album list of an artist does not do anything. Albums are always shown as a list independent of the toggle state. Is there a way to show larger tiles of the albums?



Hi @xkdufgy, thank you for bringing this situation to our attention.

I've already forwarded your feedback to our developers, and I'll be sure to keep you updated as soon as I have any news.

Until now, I didn't even know that you could change the view of the discography. Now I click on the button and nothing happens. It's like a small stain on an otherwise flawless wall. Once you've discovered it, you always look at that exact spot. That's what happens to me now with the button for changing the view of the discography. 🤪

Thanks @Leonídia.Deezer

@E0xc815 both my dad (always looking for his glasses) and my toddler (can’t read yet) operate with album covers 😀

I can not find it in the Android app. It is an exclusive feature of the iOS app, isn't it?

If it is not available on Android and does not work with iPhone, perhaps it could only work with iPad. A case for @Leonídia.Deezer and @Jaime. 🤞

You can only see the option on iPhone. However, as @Leonídia.Deezer mentioned, it has been reported already and our devs are aware.
As soon as we have an update we will let you know.
Thanks for your patience

Hi @xkdufgy @E0xc815 @Marcormark, our developers have informed us that they are aware of the issue and plan to remove the button on the iPhone in the next version.

As pointed out by @Marcormark and @Jaime., the button doesn't exist on Android and iPad, and the view adjusts based on the window size.


Hi @E0xc815, the decision to remove the feature was due to its malfunction and also the need to align it with the Android application.
