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No discography section if all albums are in 'More albums'

  • 4 February 2023
  • 8 replies

Some albums in artists discographies are filed under 'More albums’. In the web app you have to scroll down to the bottom to see them; in the android app you have to press 'view all’.

(Not sure what the point of hiding some albums like this is as it can be tedious to get to them for artists with big 'featured in’ sections. But I digress...)

There's an issue with this in the android app for artists who have all of their albums in that category: in that case the discography section does not appear at all in the android app, so there's no straight forward way to browse their albums from the artist page.

The Louis Cole artist page is one such example:

Hi @IjonTichy

Thank you for your feedback.😊

That’s normal because we show the most listened ones first, then if you would like to see more you have to go on “view all”, that happens when the artist have a lot of albums.

We do that to open the app / pages faster, instead of loading all albums on the fist time. 💬

I sent it to our developers.😉

Sorry about it.

Hi @Johnathan Finotti , thanks for you answer!


We do that to open the app / pages faster, instead of loading all albums on the fist time. 💬

Right, that makes a lot of sense. Personally I would prefer to see the other albums before some of the other stuff that loads initially (like compilations &c). But I guess you can't please everyone - and it's not a big issue anyway.


That’s normal because we show the most listened ones first, then if you would like to see more you have to go on “view all”, that happens when the artist have a lot of albums.

I see, so if every most listened album  is in the ‘appears in’ category all “regular” releases are pushed down? 

Having to click on ‘view all’ to view the albums would be fine but in this case there is no ‘view all’ anywhere in the android app as there is no visible discography section.



I think albums should be categorized and sorted by release date:
- Studio albums
- EPs
- Singles
- Live recordings
- Collections/best of/Collaborations with other artists.

The current ‘discography sections’ are a complete mess.

I agree. Discography sections are a total mess. This is one out of many reasons why I left Deezer for Spotify in 2020. All these years they did nothing. Whoever is reading this, I strongly recommend using Spotify, it’s 1000 times better than this broken streaming platform.

Bumpin this adding that the discography Windows app won’t list alla albums even when “show all” is pressed. 

+1 on “agree. Discography sections are a total mess”.

Hi @Pontus Emilsson could you please provide a couple of examples in order to pass the feedback to the music team.
Thanks, and apologies for the inconvenience

Hi @Pontus Emilsson could you please provide a couple of examples in order to pass the feedback to the music team.
Thanks, and apologies for the inconvenience

Sure @Jaime., for instance Ryan Adams. Four new albums released 2024 that are not visible in the discography on the windows app. They can be found via search and do turn up in the android app’s discography after scrolling down and pressing “more albums” (which I agree with above posts is inconvenient).

Hi @Pontus Emilsson could you please provide a couple of examples in order to pass the feedback to the music team.
Thanks, and apologies for the inconvenience

I can too, I recently discovered that Kendrick Lamar has only clean versions of DAMN. and DAMN. Collector’s edition, also To Pimp a Butterfly, on desktop app only. However on the phone app you can see the whole discography including both Clean and Explicit versions.. Why is that the case?
