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I miss going to an artist profile and clicking on the button TO ONLY listen to songs by them, I think that was something that Deezer allowed years ago. Now we have the ‘play a mix’ in each artist but obvs the mix is not a mix of solely their music but with other artists of similar genre. Is there a way to only play one artists music (in shuffle) that is not going straight to their ‘top tracks’?

hey there @helenciithafukkyea 

I agree with the “top tracks” issue and I’ve never found a streaming service that doesn’t sort and/or favor by popular.

Creating playlists is so easy that I find myself making artist playlists by simply adding all their albums (which can be a few or many). I get all the deep cuts and find that it’s an excellent tool for music discovery, even for an artist I thought I was familiar with.

That way I can just hit shuffle and away I go. It also gives me some editing capabilities. For example, I made a comprehensive Josh Groban playlist, but I didn’t add any of his Christmas music.

It’s a little more work, but I find it’s worth it.


Hi @vladnc, thanks for sharing your experience with us.

After passing your information to our developers it was mentioned that a change is ongoing with this Mix feature that soon will play the Top tracks of the artists.

Hope that you will enjoy this new feature.


Hi @helenciithafukkyea,
Unfortunately, isn’t possible to play the whole discography of an artists. Only the  “Top Tracks” are available as you mentioned.
But I can suggest a workaround, that would be to create a playlist with all discography of an artist you want. That way you can even organize it in the way you most like.

Update: after a sequence of 63 songs by other artists it seems it finally started the cycle again and started including Taylor Swift songs. So basically a cycle is 68 songs long, and during a cycle you get 3 songs by the selected artist at the beginning (1st, 3rd and 5th song) and 65 songs by other artists. Basically only 4.4% of the songs are the selected artist.

And within those 63 songs by other artists the selected artist doesn’t seem to even get a chance to be selected randomly anymore.

The algorithm seems to be to chose a random artist with similar style, the more similar the style the more likely they are to be chosen. And if the artist has been chosen 3 times within a 68 song cycle they are then excluded from further play. 8 other artists reached that limit, so they also achieved the same 4.4% as the the artist I selected within that cycle.

So, based on this, it seems this behavior is by design. Honestly, I’m not happy with it. I would expect the selected artist to have a higher chance to be chosen than all other artists from the rotation, something like at least 10%, instead of the 4.4% we get now with the 3 per 68 songs limit. And it wouldn’t hurt for their songs to be more evenly distributed, because now they are grouped together at the beginning of each cycle.

No that I know of. However for some artists 100% playlist is available which is kind of what you are looking for. 

Hi @helenciithafukkyea,
Unfortunately, isn’t possible to play the whole discography of an artists. Only the  “Top Tracks” are available as you mentioned.
But I can suggest a workaround, that would be to create a playlist with all discography of an artist you want. That way you can even organize it in the way you most like.


Is that a licensing issue or you just don’t think this feature is worth implementing?


The current behavior is so bad that I’m not even certain it’s not a result of some bugs. For example, when I start a mix based on an artist it starts by alternating 3 tracks from that artist with other tracks, which is acceptable:

the beginning a Taylor Swift mix​​​​​​

The problem is that, based on what I’ve seen so far, after those initial 3 tracks of the chosen artist, there will be 0 (zero) more tracks from that artist. The rest is basically just a mix of anything but the chosen artist, which exactly the opposite of what a reasonable person would expect, and it makes the entire mix feature useless, at least for me.

the second page of the so called “Taylor Swift” mix, no Taylor Swift in sight
The third page, still no Taylor Swift

So, assuming this is a bug and not the intended behavior, any plans to fix this?
