
Copy button not work

  • 19 November 2023
  • 7 replies

Anyone with the same problem… The copy button not work on the desktop/web interface.

7 replies

The problem has been informed and our developers are working on a permanent fix (hopefully very soon).
Apologies for the inconvenience

That is I want to read. Thanks....

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

The problem has been informed and our developers are working on a permanent fix (hopefully very soon).
Apologies for the inconvenience

Userlevel 7
Badge +12



You can copy album or song from some album . like is @dee_dirk  say you can copy the album link from the address bar but you can copy album in another way and also a particularly song if you want to share .
I was made topic about this so you can see explanation in link below



The “Copy” button doesn't work. I can confirm this. In the web version you can copy the album link from the address bar (URL). With the desktop app, you can actually start directly at Step 2 with Nina's workaround, since Step 1 has no function.

Userlevel 7
Badge +12



It works @djelvigilante if you follow steps 


 click on COPY  (step 1)

then clik on circle on right (step 2)



now you can copy link (step 3) 



Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @djelvigilante !



Did you mean this copy button !?

