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I would like to create a Deezer app for SailfishOS.

Plan 1 (native, better mobile power management, preffered)

It used to be that you offered an NDK, compiled for armv7hl (32-bit) but now the OS is mostly migrated to 64-bit only, so that would not help today.

Is there an aarch64 NDK release?


Plan 2 (Javascript, faster development time, speedy)

I’ve read the Javascript SDK docs and hosted a page on my domain, with a channel.html and all.

The URL it tries to load ( does not exist anymore (MY_ vars are correct).

Basically player.php is 404.


Plan 3: (Use the JSON API + Widget player, unsupported?)

I don’t see this documented anywhere. Basically you can request user’s playlists like and with the results, instantiate a widget like

<iframe title="deezer-widget" src="" width="100%" height="300" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media; clipboard-write"></iframe>

But would that allow to play search results? or albums? or a single track? or the flow?

It is not clear to me how the JSON API can be used for playback.





Hi @b100dian

Sorry about the delay, I was waiting for a return from our developers. 🙇🏻

Unfortunately the web SDK is not supported anymore and is not available anymore.😕

Take care.

Thaks for the reply. So only option 3 remains, the json API.


But can that be used for playback?

Hey @b100dian!

No, the API can't be used for playback, only for metadata retrieval. We don't provide a public way to play tracks anymore for individuals, sorry about that. 😞

I am really saddened to read the JS SDK has been abandoned and is no longer supported. I should have double-checked it's still (really) usable before already working on my project...

Can you please at least remove the JS SDK docs pages? It will mislead other developers in the future.

I guess it’s time to migrate to another music streaming platform.

Is the JS SDK definitely deprecated/abaondoned?


I’m wondering why it’s still up on the website, with no mention of it having been (or going to be) abandoned.

It appears to still be available and seems to work for me, however so far I’ve only logged in and done some basic searches. Perhaps the audio player functionality no longer works (which would tie in with what @Johnathan.Deezer mentioned:

We don't provide a public way to play tracks anymore for individuals, sorry about that


If that’s the case, it would be good if the linked docs are updated to stop people wasting their time with the intention of building something to integrate with and play songs via deezer.


Edit: Just to add that indeed the SDK seems to work fine but no ability to create a player, and as such no ability to play music. This sucks!

Hi @EpocDotFr,  thank you for bringing this to our attention.

I have already shared your feedback with our technical team for further review.



Just to add that I’d of course also really appreciate the return of the fully functional Javascript SDK (also looking at a possible Sailfish OS app) -- however maybe to leave the docs up? But with a note that audio playback will not function etc., as the docs still being up may be of use to try testing things, incase there is even the slightest possibility of it returning at any point in the future.


I would personally not create something that is heavily based on a library that is unmaintained / unsupported since many years, even if it’s partially working.

Taking a look at the Deezer Developers site ( there’s no link in the navigation menu leading to the JS SDK docs (it’s only accessible through Google). Seems like they removed the link but not the pages themselves.
Also, the latest commit to the JS SDK examples repo ( was… 10 years ago.

Hi @EpocDotFr I understand the importance that this would have to you and for that reason, I have again escalated the case to our developers asking for some actions.

As soon as I get some update, I will let you know.

@Leonídia.Deezer I was looking for an alternative player and I came across the SDK. Since that’s still published, I presume that is is still valid and working?

Hi @MrHaroldA, thank you once again for your message.

Indeed, the page is active, but we no longer support it on the SDK.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Hei folks! I have since moved over to another streaming service which kind of works on SailfishOS based on librespot (reverse engineer I would guess).

I would really like to be back on Deezer.

Any update on an NDK/SDK or API to allow playback?


We don't provide a public way to play tracks anymore for individuals, sorry about that. 😞

(emphasis mine)

Is there an API to play tracks for businesses? Or associations? Thanks.

@b100dian no updates so far I am afraid.

