I would like to create a Deezer app for SailfishOS.
Plan 1 (native, better mobile power management, preffered)
It used to be that you offered an NDK, compiled for armv7hl (32-bit) but now the OS is mostly migrated to 64-bit only, so that would not help today.
Is there an aarch64 NDK release?
Plan 2 (Javascript, faster development time, speedy)
I’ve read the Javascript SDK docs and hosted a page on my domain, with a channel.html and all.
The URL it tries to load (https://www.deezer.com/plugins/player.php?channel=http://MY_DOMAIN/channel.html&app_id=MY_APP_ID&width=800&height=300) does not exist anymore (MY_ vars are correct).
Basically player.php is 404.
Plan 3: (Use the JSON API + Widget player, unsupported?)
I don’t see this documented anywhere. Basically you can request user’s playlists like https://developers.deezer.com/api/user/playlists and with the results, instantiate a widget like
<iframe title="deezer-widget" src="https://widget.deezer.com/widget/dark/playlist/1479458365" width="100%" height="300" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media; clipboard-write"></iframe>
But would that allow to play search results? or albums? or a single track? or the flow?
It is not clear to me how the JSON API can be used for playback.