
Academical music tracks metadata improvement.

I offer the improvement for and academical music representation on Deezer catalog which can improve listening and discovering experience.

Here is my idea:

Academical music representation in the catalog should differs from representation of regular songs.

For regular songs we have such credits: 

  • Artist
  • Track name
  • Album

But academical music have such credits (as minimum):

  • Track name
  • Performer (Front-man/soloist/orchestra/band which performs the piece) (this type of entity is pretty close to Deezer’s “artist” entity)
  • Author (composer which created the original composition (composed it)) (also close to Deezer’s “artist” entity)
  • Work (composition) (one “work” can be performed by different “performers”)
  • Recoding (the “Performer” and “Work” combination) (close to the Deezer’s “album entity”)


  • Track name:  “1. Introitus: Requiem”
  • Performer: “Berliner Philharmoniker”&”Herbert Von Karajan”
  • Composer: “Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart”
  • Work: “Requiem in D minor, K.626”
  • Recording: “Berliner Philharmoniker performs Requiem in D minor”


Would be great to add those fields to the track’s metadata and make it clickable, to surf the favorite works, orchestras, composers by clicking on focusing parameter.

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +10
Updated idea statusNewFeedback
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I know feature is partially implemented, but would be improve it a bit.

I know feature is partially implemented, but would be improve it a bit.

Would be great to improve it a bit*

Userlevel 4
Badge +2

I agree with @Engineering SQUAD. Metadata for classical music needs improvement, and not just composer. Many albums don’t even list the work name! They list the movement (e.g., I. Allegro) but not the work! This is unacceptable for classical music. Look at this album for an example: 

Except for track 7, the work name isn’t listed.
