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I have issues with downloading playlists, or some songs from a specific playlist. There’s some songs that simply get corrupted with time, in a way that songs play on fast forward or the sound is filled with distortion.

I feel like the option to re-download or force download of a specific songs should be part of the software. Or even having an option to force a whole playlist to check/verify that each songs are indeed downloaded.

I wouldn’t ask this if the feature of downloading missing songs would work correctly. I remember a feature which was fix download? I’ve no idea why I can’t use that option anymore.


Also, there’s an option to replace a song when it’s no more available in my country. It would be very nice to have that option always available. When I replace a song, and realize the recording is not exactly what I used to have,  and I want to be replacing the song without it to lose its position in the “Recently Added” playlist order.

Hey @Magus 

With which device and which app are you having the download problems?

I’m using my old Android Samsung Galaxy S5 for music. And I did update the software to its latest version. I tried removing the songs from the list, and adding them back.

I know my device is old, but I’d rather use my old device to listen to music.

I would suggest to add the possibility to re-download certain songs. An option to re-download the downloaded data when the download quality was changed would also be very nice.

Should I open a new ticket for that, or is there a ticket I have missed.
