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I am having some issues with Deezer connect I was hoping to bring up with the hope they may be addressed in the future.  

Currently I have a tablet (currently an ipad) connected to an AV receiver to play music and am using my android phone to control the music. The main issue I am having is that when I am using my phone for other tasks (ie browsing the internet or social media ect...) If there is a video that auto plays or I do something with sound on my phone it stops the stream on my tablet and disconnects the Deezer connect. I should be able to use my phone and not have it interrupt the stream on the other device. 

The second issue is that after this happens I cannot reconnect to the tablet.  Deezer connect does not see any devices unless they are actively playing music. As long as the app is open (and ideally even if it's not) on both devices I should be able to connect and disconnect as needed.  


I am hoping these can be addressed, at this stage the Deezer Connect feature is very difficult to use. 


Thanks for everyone's hard work thus far and I know Deezer Connect hasn't been out that long yet.  Just hoping to see it continue to get better. 

Same problem here.,, 

Hello @Mathalok

Thanks for the feedback, it is true that when other sounds are playing on the phone the music is disconnected. 

We will pass on your comment for future improvements!