
Album Artwork not showing

  • 22 January 2023
  • 4 replies


Since the new update.

Deezer has been bad. Very bad.

Before i couldn't listen to offline music,now i can't see album artwork.


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4 replies


hello there @Peng Man 

on your phone, tv,  carplay, or other device? on mobile, wifi? 

My phone.


User @Peng Man has a problem and describes deezer as bad. There are reactions from @GropplerZorn and @Spookhouse who want to help. OP stopped responding.
I really love this forum sometimes. /s

Userlevel 3
Badge +2

Have you opened up a ticket or anything? I don’t seem to be having this issue. I would clear cache and also reinstall the app

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

hello there @Peng Man 

on your phone, tv,  carplay, or other device? on mobile, wifi?