
Replace Password login for fingerprint

It has two benefits

1- Is easier. Don’t worry if you forget your password,no more nightmares :thermometer_face: !! Just put your finger (another finger can be also recorded) and you are welcome again. Devices without fingerprint sensor can use another device with this sensor to verify and log in in the first one.  Is similar to online shopping, where a sms or fingerprint/faceID data is necessary.

2- And safer. Each person has his/her own fingerprint, no one has the same. That means that if another person tries to use his/her fingerprint, system knows s/he isn’t the owner , sends a notification to the owner for further legal actions.
FaceID  , however, isn’t secure at all. It can be bypassed with a photo.


Sounds good to improve security for people who use the mobile app.
Let’s gather more votes now to present the idea to our developers :relaxed:

Updated idea status NewIn discussion