
Play all songs by one artist or all favourite artists

I would like an option to play ALL song by one same artist or to play ALL song by all my favourite artists. Just like shuffling through your whole music library.

It's a bit more than that, @Koevke but we completely get your point.

The community has had the thread for a long time but it needs to move forward with votes against other ideas, in our backlog queue :thumbsup_tone2:

I'll forward your comments to our teams!

the devs definitely should make it priority, its a deal breaker. seriously.

It can’t be that hard to add the ‘All Tracks’ or ‘Shuffle All songs’ button.

I simply can't enjoy new artists. I need to manually create a playlist with every song in each album, and that’s ridiculous. some artists doesn't have ‘100% playlist’ (Iron & wine, for example), and the ‘top songs’ feature is extremely narrow.

please add the ‘All Tracks’ / ‘Shuffle All songs’ button. PLEASE. :sob:

Still not done???????  Do it immediately!

Literally, any other streaming service has this. I just switched to Deezer but I might have to switch back because of this. I mainly listen to artist discographies and honestly I still can’t believe this lmao it’s such a basic thing to have if I knew this I never would’ve switched

I just closed my 3 months trial after 2 days of using it. This is essential feture, lack of it, means I would not use your service even for free. This is sad.

Just switched to Deezer from Tidal and realized that I cannot play all songs by a single artist...OMG. Well back to Tidal. :/

It’s a headache to create manually a playlist from an artist.. is there any workaround?


Its pretty hard to get familiar with an artist’s discography.. Lets suppose I just heard a cool track. I would like to listen to their other stuff, maybe there are another diamonds… Really, I need to manually click on each relese?


+1 request: please add an play all from this artist function.

Is there any update on this matter? AFAIK there’s still no possibility to shuffle through ONE SINGLE artist’s library. Only the mix is available and the (for whatever reason) limited top-titles. I would really appreciate the option to listen to every song of an artist without having to select each song individually.

I am aware of the “100%-XY” playlists that kind of do that, but it would be nice to have this feature on the artist’s page.

I'm here to upvote this suggestion and can't believe it's not already a feature!

I'm currently on a trial after only hearing about Deezer a couple weeks ago. Seriously thinking about moving from Spotify but find out that this is not possible? Now I'm not sure.

I love discovering new artists and when I do, play a playlist of their songs to find others i like. I have someone I found here but they have got all their songs uploaded individually as singles, so what I need to do on Deezer is click each one individually to listen to them all. What a pain! He also only had 3 or 4 songs under Top Tracks despite having heaps on here.

Please implement this, I want to move from Spotify but this really is a killer for what should be a simple feature surely?

Same story. I’ve moved to Deezer from Spotify because of HiFi quality, but I don’t find it useful without option of listening to shuffled tracks of one or all favorite artists. When Spotify adds HiFi update I will likely go back to it. Deezer recommendations are too far from perfection and it has not recommended any good song so far even though I’ve already added a lot of favorite artists. The recommendations are too generalized and it simply seems to throw me the most popular tracks of the genre I like. How is it supposed to add new tracks into the collection if recommendations don’t work for me and there is no way to listen random tracks of my favorite artists?

This has been needed for a while. I have to make separate playlists for each of my favourite artists and keep remembering to add to them when new stuff gets released - kind of annoying!

+1 for this request. Also moved from Spoty to Deezer. Such feature so easy why developers still not done for that? Sad :(

Added my upvote as well. I consider functionality like “Play All” and “Shuffle All” absolutely essential and incredibly basic for any music player. Those two buttons should appear on every page that displays music: the artists’ page, the album page, top tracks, top albums, etc. For some artists, Deezer’s “Mix” feature just isn’t smart enough to play music that is actually similar to the artist I want to hear.

I honestly don’t understand how such an incredibly basic feature still hasn’t been added after three years. I’m still in my trial period and loving Flow when I want to focus and get work done … but in all honesty, aside from breadth of selection and Flow, my local music player is superior to Deezer.

I upvote that. It's incredible we can't easily play an artist. There is always other artists playing right after the one we choose. If I want to hear various artists, I launch a flow. That's what it is designed for.

Currently, both options results the same. Change that, make it possible to hear only artist at a time !

After using Deezer for a week i already regret my subscription because its missing such basic features. Even worse seeing how its ignored by developers for 4 years. So adding to the pile -> “Play All” / “Play favorite tracks” are absolutely essential functionallity

This is (to my eyes) very easy to implement and is definitely a basic feature which should be there since the beginning. 

Can we easily see all requests Deezer is currently working on? Would like to see what has more priority and understand why….

Guys, I have ideas why they don’t do it. Many artists' discography is ducked up, having lots of irrelevant albums of different bands in their names… so imagine they will start playing all this mess without checking what’s in there.
But it’s just and idea.


Long story short: I’ve waiting for this feature for more that 5 years….

sorry for the typos

*an idea, *been waiting, etc.

I can’t believe that after 5 years this still isn’t an option.

When I select an artist and press the “Mix” button I would expect Deezer to play a mix of music by that artist.  It’s not rocket science, just add a filter.

At the very least you could rename the button to say “Mix of similar artists” so it’s clear that the user will not be getting a random selection of songs by their chosen artist.

Common, it’s been a five years, what should we do to get this feature? It’s not like we haven’t paid you folks all this time. 


So I’ve been hoping that this reply – after a number of years now – would have a positive outcome too. I want to support another stream service that isn’t Spotify or Apple, but I’ve been finding there are some weird anomalies.

There are other glitches that aren’t for this thread that niggle me, but wanting to select and play one artist should be really so simple, but increasingly and disappointingly isn’t. Screenshots attached.

Example: search artist (e.g. Guns n Roses), select artist tracks, press play.

As someone has mentioned before…

Expectation: Play track one, then next GnR track.

Reality: Play track one, then play an oasis song that I wasn’t expecting or just not in the mood for, prompting a disappointing, occasionally expletive ridden response.

Even under the artist’s name, it says “Mix”. Expecting a shuffling of said artist tracks, but alas no.

[Quits and dusts off record player]


I know it is frustrating and you would expect things to work different. The mix that is played is an artist mix, playing songs related to the artist, buts it's true that it's not playing only songs from the artists.
I have contacted our devs and passed your feedback regarding the Mix button on web and desktop app.
If you are playing on your phone this won’t happen and you would be able to listen tracks from the artist solely.
Also if you select top tracks on web and desktop app and press play it will play those only.
You can always listen to 100% playlists too (if available).
Some tests will be carried out soon on web and desktop app and I hope to have good news then.
Thanks for your patience

You have wonder what the commercial imperative is driving NOT implementing this 🤬

Hi all !

@grobinson78  @wozzagonebush  @Sergey Platonov  @mdale 

Only way how you can play all tracks by one artist is adding them on playlist  .



Hi all !

@grobinson78  @wozzagonebush  @Sergey Platonov  @mdale 

Only way how you can play all tracks by one artist is adding them on playlist  .



Thanks I'll try that next time I log to pc, i don't think there is option to do that in the app