
Collaborate with Coyote

Coyote is a french GPS brand focused on delivering traffic, radar warnings, routes to its users.Is well known in France, Germany and Italy. Why Coyote and not Waze, Google? Well, because with free products, your personal data are the price enterprises use to pay its workers and sell to other companies. TomTom has also payment, but haven’t read good comments about updates on their products: let’s say they love earlier programmed obsolescence.

But we aren’t here to talk about that. I opened this topic to suggest a collaboration, because both companies, Coyote and Deezer, were born in France. So i think they won’t have problems to help each other, one to give music to the gps service, and the other one to have music and make Deezer known.
Actually, Deezer works with Waze and Google, so why not Coyote?

Hi there, I haven't heard about Coyote yet… but I'll share it with our french and partnership teams. ;)

Updated idea status New → In discussion