
Check if a song already exists in my "favorite tracks" before adding it.

Hello Deezer Community,

In my experience, when exploring music in "Flow", is very likely to see the same song multiple times with different record IDs (for example: the same song can be in different albums from 1 artist).

As a consequence I can add the same song multiple times to my Favorite Tracks. In time, this can become a problem because we can reach or limit of songs in a few months, weeks (depending how much the user "likes" songs).

I think there are 2 ways to improve this.

Solution #1 - Prevent it:

Validate, when a user "likes" a song, if the song already exists in the Favorite Track queue, considering the name of the song, the artist (and maybe other info). If the song exists then advice the user saying: "this song already exists for Artists X for album Z,. Are you sure you want to add it?"

Solution #2 - Deal with it

Provide the ability to the user to clean lists of songs and remove duplicate songs based on the criteria mentioned in the previous solution.

PD: There's already a feature in Deezer to find a substitute for a song that's not available in the country the user is in. However, the user still needs to find this songs within his lists. It would be nice if the system could identify them for you.



Hi there, I passed your feedback on to the right team :)

That’s a typical problem. The original song, a remastered song, an album of hits of some year and that/those song/s appear again. It happened to me in every music streaming service, and now happened to you ( also for more people ).

Both options are right, or making a sublevel with a heart on similar songs.

Updated idea status In discussion → Not for now

I’m also annoyed by this problem of duplicate songs - e.g., the same song from the original album and three different greatest hits albums - entering my favorite list. I can suggest a third way to fix it:


It’s not typical that I manually insert a duplicate song into my favorites - when I manually search for a song, I usually see immediately that one of the matches already has a heart - and don’t add it a second time. Rather, what usually happens to me is that I listen to my “flow”, hear a song I like - and seeing it’s not hearted I heart it.


So my proposed solution to this problem is to make a small modification to how “flow” works: If flow wants to play me song X, and an “identical” song Y is already in my favorites - just play song Y instead! When song Y is played, I can immediately see it’s already hearted and don’t have a chance to accidentally heart X too.

This is a long standing annoying issue.  I end up with so many duplicates in my favourites.

The Calibre book library software can flag when I’m about to add what it thinks is a duplicate book, why can’t Deezer figure it out.  It really can’t be that hard.

Hi @PaulM666, I get it, having lots of duplicate songs in your favorites can be frustrated.

Other apps maybe can spot duplicates, but Deezer doesn't have that feature yet.

We're always trying to make things better, and your feedback helps a lot.

Keep an eye out for updates in the future!

If you've got any other questions or problems, just give me a shout.