
Add advanced Search button (Visibility)

At now when I click on Search - Deezer displays only small part of tags:

Will be good to extend it and add field for search/filter tags by substring.
Have you tried the advanced search option ?
No, I don't see this feature in Deezer web interface, but it is cool that it exists!

Will be good to add info about advanced search option in search interface, for example in top of popup panel - add link "Advanced search", and provide some interface for constructing advanced search query.

We're are planning to work on a better search experience next year, including advanced options! ;)

Just want to express that there is interest in a tag system. This would include custom tags for users playlists and Deezer made. 

This is something I’ve missed dearly from 8tracks when it was a bigger thing. I think it would fit very nicely at Deezer, especially since they’ve already had a partnership with them in the past!

Our new search experience will be including tags as well, as you can see on the Android Beta app @solstice_outcry :wink:

Updated idea statusReplied by Deezer→Live