
Show which plan a user is paying for in his profile (for himself and for others to see)

I would appreciate it, if I could see which plan a Deezer user is on, when I visit his profile. I would like to know whether or not he's paying for the premium, HiFi or family plan, or whatever plans are planned for the future. To distinguish audiophile users, from those that are paying for another plan/their family account. And just in general to know what plan other users are on. 

I made a example of it, and where I believe would be a good place to show it. It should be clearly visible on a users profile.

In addition it could be added to one's forum account as well. In plainview of his posts, without visiting his forum profile.


I use Deezer Premium.

At the end of the year I will use Deezer Family.

Updated idea status New → In discussion