
Preview of cover in minimized player & Swipe left/right to chakge track in minimized player

Could you implement cover preview in the minimized player, similar to how spotify has it.

This would make it even easier recognizing which track you are playing, besides reading the track title.

It also looks visually appealing and professional.

At the same time you could implement the ability to switch titles by swiping left/right gesture within the minimized player: Open Imgur

This way the "play next track" button could be removed from Deezers minimized player, leaving only the play button at the right end, with the heart button to it's left, as you can see in Spotify's example. And the left end of the minimized player would be reserved for the cover picture.

I think these two ideas would greatly improve the minimized player, and therefore also the UX.

Also need to mention;

If this idea gets approved and added to Deezer, please don't remove the ability to swipe up/down from the minimized/maximized player. That is one of my favorite features, and one of the best features for a intuitive, easy to use app. It's also a feature that Spotify's android version is missing, because they are very offensive against android users.


Updated idea status New → In discussion

Hi there, just to confirm that we'll send this idea on to our devs. Hopefully they'll be able to implement it ;)

Tysm. I cross my fingers, that they will do it. 

It would improve the UI & UX alot, and would make using Deezer more enjoyable.

@Rafael. @Rudi 

How are the devs proceeding with this idea? Any updates on when it will be implemented?