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After the announcement of the new logo and the new identity of Deezer, we took the time to read all your comments and feedback in order to address your concerns and understand your feelings

Opinions are very divided and several details were pointed out, including one that came up quite often: Why did you choose a heart 💜?
One comment cited “there is a more distant connection to music compared to the old logo”


The beating purple heart simply represents love and passion for music. The shapes of the logo vary to signify musical rhythms. Its movement and pulsing quality directly reflect the essence of music and the human response to the listening experience, much like a heartbeat.

Another question was “why did you decide to change everything/what is the purpose of this new identity?”

Deezer helps you “be and belong,” going beyond streaming to empower fans, artists and partners to express themselves and connect through our products and services.

Refreshing our visual identity is essential as we enter this new era for Deezer. This allows us to connect emotionally with music fans, artists and strategists through visual cues that let people know that with Deezer they can experience music, not just listen to it.

“The choice to have prioritised this change was not the best, it would have been good to strengthen the user experience rather than degrade it.”

Satisfying our users experience is indeed crucial. Development and modification choices can be complex, which means that the change itself was so significant that some bugs crept in during this transition. All have been flagged by our developers and technicians, who are already fixing these errors.


The identity change will be present in all future app updates. We hope you will adopt the new design and enjoy the new Deezer experience.

We adopt this new identity with pride, and although not everyone likes it yet, we still hope to find a place in your hearts 💜.




Just popped in to see how the poll is going. It’s not getting any better, is it? 😅

I don 't like your new design . can I switch to the old one?

The answer is yes, you can. On Android you just need to download the previous version of the app (pre-rebrand, and disable automatic updates. 

On the browser version of deezer it works just fine, but I also can’t find it anywhere on mobile :/

I don’t like the new logo so much, but that’s the other story

What annoyed me enough to find this article and write what do I think about the new update, is erasing from existence the shuffle option on android for all of the user’s music (or I just can’t see it anywhere).

Simplified icons are something diffrent, but ok, new font ok, purple is good, I’m here to listen to music after all.

Also in the new update I’m unable to exit the song view by pulling it down - little thing, but a bit annoying.

Please, fix those hopefully soon

Not very inclusive at all! While I don’t have visual impairments either, trying to use this new design over the old one makes me feel like I am visually impaired.

I am so glad this is an option. I am only 2 months into a yearly subscription, and they won’t refund any of it. I wouldn’t have renewed if I new this update was coming. At least I can bare the remaining months on version 7.

Hi @Roger Flores, thank you so much for your feedback.

I've already passed it on to our technical team.

Your input is truly appreciated.

Same is for me. I switched from Tidal to Deezer's HiFi plan. Loved all about it until now. I am glad I can use the old version. What bothers me is that I still pay money, so it looks like I support these changes while I don't.

I think imma do that to cuz tf is this update...

Voted but here to verbally chastise Deezer devs for this abomination of a "refresh". Are the devs having an identity crisis themselves? Or maybe top management no longer knows what or who they are? Did you guys hire Kathleen Kennedy? No matter, our family plan will be cancelled starting in December because DEEZER NEVER LISTENS!

I’ve come to the forum because I can’t read the font. Legibility is a measurable factor, not just a stylistic choice.

Prices and bugs are increasing every year, and I have already closed my premium account and helped three others to do the same.

Similar to the previous answer, but on a mobile, I have on old iPhone 7 which did not automatically upload this ghastly new app design, and it has maintained the old logo and features, including the shuffle my music feature, and it works. So it does still exist but is just not being made available on the new app format. 

I can activate the shuffle my music feature on my old phone and then stop playing and close the app and when I open it on my new phone it lets me continue playing the track I was on and stays in Shuffle mode for all my music. If I lose this feature completely I will see if I can find it on another provider and leave Deezer. Hopefully if enough people complain they will restore it to this update (which seems to have upset a lot of people as the previous version was perfectly good). Cheers! 

Just popped in to see how the poll is going. It’s not getting any better, is it? 😅

I don’t think a poll is not always representative. The people who are happy or have nothing to complain with the new “look & feel” won’t go to the community and post what their thoughts are. They go using Deezer like they used before with the new looks.

People that have a different opinion than Deezer or don’t like the new looks are more willing to post their opinion and because of this, a poll is not always representative.

@Roger Flores Number 4 is something Deezer is aware of. It’s been posted here on the Community a couple of days ago. This is only in the Android app. The releasedate, length album are visible on iOS or the browser.

Thank you for mention those issues.

Hi @Falcorin A lot of people mentioned the missing of the shuffle option in previous posts here in the Community. Hopefully this will be fixed sometime soon.

Just popped in to see how the poll is going. It’s not getting any better, is it? 😅

I don’t think a poll is not always representative. The people who are happy or have nothing to complain with the new “look & feel” won’t go to the community and post what their thoughts are. They go using Deezer like they used before with the new looks.

People that have a different opinion than Deezer or don’t like the new looks are more willing to post their opinion and because of this, a poll is not always representative.


You're right. However, the fact that a minority is complaining doesn't automatically mean that the majority is happy or that they are actually able to vote. To access the community from a smartphone, one must go to the profile icon -> choose the help option -> accept cookies -> accidentally find this unofficial topic -> log in again in the browser -> accept cookies again for another domain -> find the topic again. A wonderful user experience.

We may express our opinions, but phrases like 'community', and a logo that resembles a heart (or an halloween butt) are mere marketing fluff. We're here to provide meaningful feedback on a service we pay for, yet we're often treated like children. No thanks.

Like someone else mentioned here, the old Deezer UI was clean, easy to read and easy to use. That’s why some of us chose Deezer.

Now the UI is hard to read (the font is all wonkey) and ugly (those icons are terrible!). And I have to explain to coworkers that I’m not using a dating app at work.

Your “explanation” does not really explain anything, it just shows your french arrogance. The redesign does not help in “connecting emotionally with music fans“ at all. Get a grip.

Has there been any statement than this from them in the meantime? I mean, it doesn't have to be like "we did something terribly wrong", but maybe "we appreciate your feedback, we will reconsider the logo choice" or whatever? Anything to show that they care?

I generally appreciate your service, but this overhaul fails on two fronts:

  • As visual identity, the new fonts look cheap (and with the logo look weirdly like you’re trying to ape Undertale, of all things?). They manage to be harder to read and yet also have less appeal.
  • The design/UX is just plain worse. It looks cheaper, not simpler, and the permanent playlist bar to the side is ugly clutter. One of your main benefits over Spotify was having a cleaner, less awkward UI and now you just look like a cheap knockoff of the biggest player instead.

(I couldn’t really care less about the logo. It’s fine. The old one was a bit more distinctive imo.)

Edit: Oh! And the visual update has made offline mode on mobile (at least, on Android) much more awkward to use. There’s no option to just play downloaded music, and if I try and view the contents of a playlist (that I have downloaded), it fails to show it because I’m offline. Just generally a mess.

I must say I don’t agree. Social is part of the game this days . Social approach is  available in almost every service , even when it’s not related to music .

Just because something is common, doesn’t mean it’s good. Social approach is in everything because it aids vendor lock-in, not because it’s desirable for users. That’s why almost everything has it, and why it almost always sucks and sees little to no use.

One of the last times I was on this forum, it was to inquire about the lack of a very basic feature re: subscriptions (which is now coincidentally part of their subscription offerings, the Family HiFi plan.) So it's sort of unfair of me to say that Deezer NEVER listens to their customers... it just takes them 3+ years to listen. At that point, many of us will have found a competitive and utilitarian streaming service we've long been looking for. The rainbow EQ logo will be the last Deezer logo I remember.

I don’t like the new logo. It’s like a Halloween season logo.

I read a couple of answers from Deezer on Google Play. It seems unlikely that this feature is coming back. The answer was literally "you can shuffle your playlists" and that's that 😂

Ugly new logo!! Give us some choices, at least. The new one looks like a cheesy dating app. I need to hide Deezer on another page of apps, can’t be in front anymore 🤢 

What a disaster identity update. The new logo...I’m speechless. Can anyone explain to me where I find the dating section in the new app? This logo is sooooo off from music!


First thing I did was to change the app icon back to the old one (MacOS) - but don’t know how to do it on an iPhone.
