
Sorting playlists

Would it be possible to have a “custom” sort option for playlists? I think the simplest way to do this might be to open a playlist and when you click on the 3 dots next to a track, in the pop-up menu, have “Move Up & Move Down” option. 

I think the same would also be great in the “Downloaded” list. 

any help with this would be much appreciated 


Hey, I think the current move and drag system works better, but we'll pass the feedback on to our devs :)

Its fine if you don’t mind logging in with the Laptop/PC, but, I want to change it NOW, lol, not when I get to my laptop which I seldom have with me. That’s the only reason.



Thanks for specifying it @Slinky Wizzard :sweat_smile:

We've passed it on :thumbsup_tone2:

Would be nice to have more options to sort playlist songs (only recent add, a-z artist, song title, album currently available)

Perhaps an option to play :

-one track per album/artist (alphabetical/ playing only 1song not all on that album or artist) and then continuing to next) -

options to play high energy or chilled tracks

- tracks played longest ago to play first (date last played/heard 

Sorting on bpm would also be nice.