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Podcasts and the order of episodes (Playing in chronological order etc.)

Hiya guys. As other users have suggested, it would be fantastic if you could choose the order in which to play podcasts. The majority of people like to play podcasts in chronological order, especially if you’ve just found a new one to start listening to. It’s quite irritating to have to constantly go back to the app to manually select the next episode since the default order means you’re listening in reverse order. Please include this in a future update soon! It’s my only pet peeve about Deezer 😢 at the very very least, have an option to select podcast episodes using the ‘play next’ or ‘queue’ function. Thanks!
Has anyone ever recommended a pod cast to you that’s been running for a few years?

So naturally you want to listen from the beginning right?

NOT with the way deezer currently orders the pod cast.

On a PC/laptop it seem to be that the latest eps are at the top and the oldest at the bottom.

So you scroll to the bottom, click on the oldest one and start catching up…but when that one finishes it takes you back to the top and starts to play the news one… spoiler!

So you scroll to the bottom and hit the next oldest one… listen, and repeat… please…! Why not either reverse the play order, or at least give the user an option to reverse the play order.
HI Dave, I agree, that this is not ideal. I'm just checking with the Podcast team and will let you know, as soon as I have an answer 🙂
If you see any more issues like this one, please feel fee to report it to us and we can ask the right team to have a look into it 😉
Did anything ever come about from this? I just signed up for the trial and am looking at the podcasts and there does not appear to be a away to sort them from oldest to newest. Gonna be deal breaker for me if it's not possible.
Did anything ever come about from this? I just signed up for the trial and am looking at the podcasts and there does not appear to be a away to sort them from oldest to newest. Gonna be deal breaker for me if it's not possible.

Hi there, we were told that they are looking into changing it, but we didn't receive any news just yet. We'll let you know once we have an update.
I've just tried to use Deezer for the first time to listen to some podcasts. Straight away (whilst I'm out on a run) it's unusable because the default order is to have the latest episode at the top however I want to listen to the first episode and episode two etc. without having to touch my phone - but I can't see anyway to do this apart from having to manually change the play queue every time?

I've also tried to "sort" the order on the beta desktop app and that's the same - unusable really?

I think the podcast team need to put some effort in here guys - either do it well (and I mean basic functions) or just take Podcasts away from Deezer 😞
Hi @Rob Igo sorry for the later reply and thanks fro the feedback. There are different ideas to improve the Podcast experience on Deezer, see if you agree with the others too and vote for them 😉
Hello moderators - any news on this?
I agree!! C'mon guys basic function! 🙂
Hi there, unfortunately we have no news about this. It has been forwarded and it is being looked into, but resources need to be allocated first. Sorry for the long wait!
Any news about this??
no news yet, I'm afraid...
Boooooo... 👎🏻
Hi there, just to confirm that I have passed this feedback on to our devs 😉
Why has this been marked as solved if it hasn't been?
Hi Moderators

just wondering if you've any news on this as I feel Deezer is missing a trick not being able to re-order podcasts/add them to a playlist (which you could then re-order and also then add to a Fitbit!)

Spotify are all over the news with the investment they're making into Podcasts this year.... I really hope your devs are working on this!?
Personally it would make sense if you could listen to a podcast from the beginning by easily switching the numerical order around; instead of it constantly wanting to go down the list from E.G: episode 365 to next episode 364...
Hi there @Big Dune

Thanks for your input. But could you explain your suggestion in a bit more detail? How would you change that numerical order, for example?
Hi @Big Dune & @Rudi

please refer to this On going Discussion.

I'm with you @Big Dune unable to use the podcasts as it won't let you play in the order you want and the default is newest first (which is no good when you're trying to to a series etc!).

I'm really hoping they fix this soon (and I'm hoping perhaps allow podcasts to be added to playlist as then I can also transfer to my Fitbit Ionic!)
I've noticed this article last week: -

You're now able to put podcasts onto the Garmin watches for offline use.

I hope Deezer are working with Fitbit to make this happen (as I've said before - if you could just add episodes to a playlist this would work as you can already add playlists to Fitbit for offline use!) 🙂

I'm hopeful.... one day.. (please!).
Hi there @Rob Igo thank you for reporting it to us, my friend.

I know that we've been discussing this. But it could be on the pipeline for the future. I'll pass the feedback on and see what our devs say 😉
Is there any progress on this, its so annoying..........

Please add manual sorting in personal playlist whatever the content is.

How could you listen to a podcast in several issues, when the tracks are in the wrong order?

Worse, i cannot add each track in a private playlist, so I could sort them manually.

What the point of listening to a book, or show or audio documentary from the end to the start???

What am I supposed to do: stop my car to get to the track before, while driving on a highway??!?

When listening to podcasts on the website, on Chrome (latest version), I keep having the same error after pausing.

What happens :

  • I listen to the podcast for a while with no issues
  • I pause the podcast
  • The tab stays open, but maybe I go on other tabs or other softwares.
  • Later I resume the podcast
  • It will play a few seconds then stop with the pop up "an Error has occured, please try again later"

The only way to fix this is to refresh the page and press play again (and pray it kept where I was on the podcast).

It is really annoying as podcasts are long and I often pause it because i'm interrupted, so I encounter the problem very often.
Hi @Karottin

I agree with above - hopefully the development team will actually try and listen to podcasts and understand how it should work! 🙂