
Share uploaded mp3 tracks with my family (by Family plan)

As far I understood Deezer should not allow us to share the uploaded mp3 due the rights over the musics. Which is completely fine and correct, however I have a Family plan, I own the musics that I uploaded and legally speaking I am responsible for my daughter and wife acts (financially speaking).

Having it in mind, sounds very reasonable to share my uploaded mp3 musics with all users of my family plan once I do it already “offline” considering that we live together.

To workaround this limitation I am uploading the same track 3 times now (once per user) just to make possible to mix and listen to my musics while listening to Deezer.

Before uploading this 3x I was switching between users to listen to my uploaded mp3, however happens quite often that my wife or my daughter wants to listen to that music as well, and then we can not use the same user at the same time.

I would like to suggest to make my uploaded library visible to people inside my family (Family Plan), which I believe does not violate any music rights rule as I mentioned before.

But to be sure it can avoid any problems with music right this feature could make the playlist only visible but not shared, it means if someone tries to violate that rule by inserting some external person from outside family and then removing that person later, that person will loose the access to my uploaded library.

That is it, many thanks for reading until this point.

Hi @Renan Borges, thanks for the feedback, but still, you would be sharing mp3 with someone else and this would be illegal. Deezer should be used by one person only, including the family account where each member should have their own profile.

Hello @Rafael. 
Thanks for you reply :)

Sorry but I still think that is not illegal, and for comparison Apple does share purchased musics across all family members

Apart from the fact that I am using the iTunes store to buy the musics and in Deezer I am uploading my own mp3, what would be the difference?


Apart from the fact that I am using the iTunes store to buy the musics and in Deezer I am uploading my own mp3, what would be the difference?


That is the difference, the iTunes Store is a legal place to buy a licensed download of a song which Deezer does not offer, only a free option to upload your MP3 file which Deezer cannot check for a legal purchase.