
All songs in one place, one list

It would be great if you can view all of your music all together as well as having it seperated by playlists and favorite tracks. This way you can see all of your songs on one list rather than having to go through every saved playlist. I think this would be very helpful, or I dont know if that's just me 🤷‍♂️


Thanks for reading!

Hi there @J Gomez 

Thank you for your suggestion, it's an interesting one. I've voted for it and passed it to our product managers, hopefully it can be implemented :wink:

Hello! This is very useful and necessary idea: I want to see my entire library, collected in a single list. It was very convenient to the GM: tab 'Tracks'. I'm tired to tag all my large library of heart, to gather it together! You have my vote.

That’s the point of increasing library size to “no-limit”

Missing this feature from Google Music!!!

Hi @hpguru @walker @Sammael 

Thank you all for your remarks and for drawing interesting comparisons. We'll add this to the discussion here at Deezer :v_tone2:

Updated idea status In discussionNot for now