
Add button to disable recommendations and banners

Lately, I saw that “we got” recommendations (on Android for now) and I’m frustrated that I can’t turn them off. Like the settings for privacy, where you can opt out for promotions, offers by mail/push/SMS, etc.

Here - LINK - a user reported a bug and it’s still not fixed.

Here - LINK - another user complains about those banners.


I’m really frustrated with these annoying banners, so please, at least add a button in the settings to disable any kind of banner/recommendation.

I’m paying a subscription for this reason, to not be distracted by useless recommendations and banners. If I would use the Free plan, then I would understand the banners.

But if I’m paying for it, I expect to have a “clean app” without annoying stuff.

Is not my case, but I understand you

I voted. I share your frustration. They have bell icon, new releases please here, or any music related. Less distracting/annoying. This banner is not good and makes people mad, who pay for AD-free.

Updated idea status NewIn discussion