
For song recommendation

You can make something like 5 stars instead of just a heart. You will see how much we liked the song and recommend other songs by that.

Updated idea status NewIn discussion
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Yes, I think it will be very useful to have possibility to rate tracks or at least albums.

In my opinion current info about popularity of each track is not s

o important and possibility to rate tracks/albums much more important. In 1-5 stars, as mentioned before, for example. Last 10 years I used to use plugin for player and it was always interesting to open old music and see my impressions of it.


So, in common, my opinion is:

  • as well as search by lyrics was added in Deezer and now we have minus one thing outside Deezer, adding possibility to rate or make notes about tracks/albums will be great (by by rateyourmusic) and it will be step forward comparing with other streaming apps.
  • I didn’t see any surveys about features, maybe I wrong about rating, lets ask users about important stuff
  • if I can help in any way or vote for this feature, let me know how I can do it