
Bigger lyrics

I tell ya what’d be a great idea, when your listening to a song and choose to read the lyrics, you get the option too turn your phone sideways and read the lyrics with bigger print and wider lines.
But the lyrics already take the full screen.... 🤔
Yeah I just like when i’m Riding instead of driving too put the phone on the mount but the font is too small for me to read. So pretty much I gotta hold the phone for everybody who’s also reading
Hi, I will pass this feedback on to the right team 😉
I agree, font size of lyrics should be bigger - for example something, like Shazam has. Having lyrics with songs is big advantage of Deezer, but small font puts it down. For me so much, that I do not want to pay for premium version and will choose to pay for Spotify instead. Sorry guys. WHen you change it, I will be happy to come to you and pay.
More than 4 mouths only to add a button of increase font size? That's channel don't serve of anything!
I also join the idea, lyrics text font need to get bigger to be easily readable.
Same thing like soundhoung, easy to change size of lyrics in mobile devices.
An idea: the lyric part that is playing could be bigger than the rest

How can I resize lyrics during listening to a song? I’m getting old… or my phone is getting small… :o) 

Hi there @alegiorgetti 

Thank you for your feedback, it's a popular suggestion so please vote for it above :wink:

I hope it allows users to change among small, medium, big sizes of fonts. Right now, the padding between lines is way too big, and the font size is too small to read. 

Thank you for the feedback @Vance :wink:

I hope it allows users to change among small, medium, big sizes of fonts. Right now, the padding between lines is way too big, and the font size is too small to read. 

Forgot to mention, I am using Android 10. 

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