
Hide button for releases/tracks/albums on the artist's page

You know, sometimes an artist has 4 versions of each album, as well as live versions, remasters. He has 5 albums, of which you only like three, but when you go to his page you see about 20, and it’s difficult to quickly find exactly what you need. It would be cool to have a hiding button.

You can make a button next to the remaining albums that says "15 albums hidden", and when you click it, all the hidden albums will be shown. Or you don't have to hide albums completely, you can just darken their cover and have an eye icon on top of it, or something like that.

Yes, I know that you can add albums to your favorites. But it takes a long time to find what you need among hundreds of albums, and sorting doesn't help. It’s much faster to do this on the artist's page. So I think the "hide" button will be useful for many people. This exists in every video game digital distribution service. Don't like some of the artist's albums? Hide it. Many versions of the same album? Hide it. Only what you like will remain.

Well, can be….is difficult to hate the whole album in my case, i would hide some songs to make them in a grey color , and as you say, with an eye to see them again, or with an :rage: that is used to tell Deezer don’t recommend this track. In last case, it could be reversed by a :grinning:

Interesting idea @FiftyFour

We can expand by saying that you could hide/unhide results from an artist profile when seeing their discography :thumbsup_tone2:

I've passed this idea on to our developers and left my vote :wink: