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Hi, I just wanted to report an error on the following song:

Hi there, thanks for reporting this! We'll ask the artist's distributor to send us the right file. ;)

Hi there, thanks for reporting this! We'll ask the artist's distributor to send us the right file. ;)

Thank you. :)

There's an error in the song cold from rich brian near at the end (2:52-3:10) pls verify n correct


Thanks for reporting it @Joshy Ricou I've passed the info to our catalogue teams :thumbsup_tone2:

Hi, there’s a problem in the following track. It reports an error around 00:51:


I could play it fine on my side @fleurnoir 

Please try clearing the app's cache on your side to see if the track plays and let us know :wink:

Thanks @Rudi, it plays fine now. I checked the song both in browser on PC and in the app on my phone back then and there were glitches in both at the same position. I guess it’s been fixed since then.

Also reported following your reply @fleurnoir so thank you again :relaxed:

Hey @Nikolasss2002 have you tried clearing the app's cache first? Let me know :wink:
Artist: Santana
Album: Caravanserai
Track #3: Look Up (To See What’s Coming Down)

Playhead gets to about 1’15 then skips to next track. Wiping the smart cache and/or downloading the album doesn't make a difference.

Artist: Neil Young
Album: After the Goldrush
Track #5: Till The Morning Comes

Error in track. Skips to next song at about the 1’00 mark. Wiping cache/downloading has no effect.

Hi @Freezer does the song jumps before ending? as the length of the track is 1’17” and I have tested on our side without problem.

Hi @Freezer does the song jumps before ending? as the length of the track is 1’17” and I have tested on our side without problem.

Yes the length is correct. Strange - I'll try it on another device. Thanks.

If it doesn't work @Freezer try changing the audio quality to a different level, for testing, Let us know! :relaxed:


Joey Trap just released an album and some of the songs and „Brain Frozen Part 1“ and part 2 in particular don’t end at the right time!! The songs are actually about a minute long but in deezer they are 2 min each and there is one complete minute of silence at the end 

Hey @G(h)od(st) 

For issues like that, please write on this thread:

Also, try clearing the app's cache and trying again. If it doesn't work, please post the links for the content and we'll happily take a look at it!



When Deezer had to recognize the song “Spirit” from “Toydrum” (on the album “Evangelist”) it produced an incorrect result, it showed “Invitation to Worship Part I” from “Evangelist George”.  Quite different from “Spirit”...

@Wasibee are you referring to Song Catcher,  results in search or a wrong link? If it is the latter, can you please provide the URL?

@Jaime. Ik bedoel het resultaat dat Song Catcher geeft als je het nummer “Spirit” van Toydrum laat horen.  Resultaat is dan “Invitation to Worship Part I” en dat is fout.

@Jaime. Ik bedoel het resultaat dat Song Catcher geeft als je het nummer “Spirit” van Toydrum laat horen.  Resultaat is dan “Invitation to Worship Part I” en dat is fout.

Hey I just tested this and the song that resulted on my soundcatcher was this one 

I could not reproduce the error, would you mind trying again? 

Ik krijg nog streeds “Invitation to Worship Part I”.


The song below is has an error at 6:04-6:20.

On Windows/Firefox there’s a gap in sound.

On Apple/Chrome playback stops and shows an error message.



Hey @OutdatedDZ can you please provide the URL again as there was an unexpected error.

Hey @OutdatedDZ can you please provide the URL again as there was an unexpected error.

Hello , here’s the URL again:


and here with a lot of spaces so it’s not turned into a link:

https: // www . deezer . com/en/album/26848 3672

Thanks @OutdatedDZ the track has a problem indeed and I have reported it to our music team.
It might take a bit to be fixed though.
Apologies for the inconvenience and thanks for your patience.

Hey @OutdatedDZ can you please confirm if the track is working for you now and not giving any error message?
Thanks :)
