
Siri on iOS 16

  • 25 September 2022
  • 2 replies


After iOS 16 update, Siri is getting worse and worse , before she was able to play playlist on Deezer now , she isn’t, also there is no more question after after saying play music, which music player should I use overall everything is just worse and worse 

 I don’t know if this is a Apple thing or Deezer, but it is very annoying


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2 replies

Userlevel 7
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Oh that’s unfortunate @Martin Ivandić

can you give me a couple of examples of commands you give and responses from Siri? 

So we can try and reproduce the error? 

Thanks a lot 



Before I was able to tell Siri to play specific playlist, that I created, also, I was able to tell Siri play music, and she would play Deezer as default or ask me which app do I want to use, now that option is gone.overall experience with iOS 16 and Deezer is much worse