
Show MP3s as albums/Play own uploaded MP3s in mobile

Currently, I can't access albums from MyMP3s in the Albums section of MyMusic. Please provide a way to allow me to add such Albums.

Thank you for your contributions @codebrewer @hpguru @Jyradelix it seems to be a good addition to the developments we have for the app - I'll pass it on :ok_hand_tone2:

I would also like this a lot, as someone pointed out above it would flow more naturally if uploaded albums showed alongside albums you've saved from Deezer.

Just commenting to +1 on the idea, maybe someday… :D

Maybe someday @bullon :sweat_smile:

That's the spirit though, and it makes sense. Our devs are maxed out making miracles happen, but that wave of improvements won't last forever. As soon as Deezer pushes through major developments, we'll have the chance to focus on everything else :thumbsup_tone2:

Hey, another refugee from Google Play Music here, would love to see something like this as well! If you do eventually implement this, it would be cool as well if we could favorite the albums of uploaded mp3s -- might seem silly, but would be cool to have them slot into the list of favorite albums so I can see all the albums in my collection in one list.

Thanks for your input on this @cassowary it's definitely cool feature to have, but it needs more and more votes so that it can be prioritised over other ones. With your help, we're on the way :wink: