
Share music using NFC/Detect or find other Deezer users around you

When offline, share a link to your playlist. When connected online sync. For example, I heard my favorite tunes from a friend, but he and I are offline. NFC may send a link to his album.


Thanks for contributing to a better Deezer.

Just to be 100%: are you referring to near field comms?

Yes, he means that. That connection needs both devices to be really close.

Share via Bluetooth, when offline, is another option, more comfortable because of a wider distance.

If that's the case, I've now changed the status of the idea and passed it to our devs :wink:

I mean Imagine...I am having vacations and I am offline in the wild and my friend 
are having a chat about what music we like...I have my playlists, and my friend has also.

If there was a way to pass a track to his deezer playlist because my friend liked it…
and wants to listen to it more often but on his phone…

there should be a way to transfer downloaded tracks from phone to phone 
through the deezer app making it simple for non tech savy people like me..

Mmm, download songs can’t be transferred due to copyright reasons, only downloaded, and that requires an internet connection. you can send him/her a link to the song using bluetooth for example, but s/he will need internet connection and Deezer. If you have connection, but s/he doesn’t, create a personal hotspot. 

hello I thought There could be some way to send a copy of the Deezer encrypted download from one phone to another. And then when my mate gets online again the track starts to download for them.
but offline the track will show up in their playlist without needing to search for it needing internet.

Thanks for adding to this idea here as well @Sergi.Sanz your feedback is valuable to Deezer :right_facing_fist_tone2:

Maybe for users paying premium or higher they could allow something. Because freemium mode is limited. 

We're working on improving the Free version too, high priority here at the moment @walker :wink:

maybe via bluetooth, or wifi you could allow us to see displayed what users I passed by on the street.
work, school, hotels, and even send private messages to those users if they have it enabled.
Making Deezer again a more social place. And this could be an optional thing.

I mean Imagine seeing what people you crossed by in the street listen to, and even learn what 
is popular in your area, home school etc..again this could be individually disabled if so desired
and it would run in our phones. Using wifi, bluetooth, gps?

Why not? It’d be cool coming across people who use Deezer along with us.

Really cool suggestion @Sergi.Sanz - I've merged it here so that it can expand an existing idea around detecting users around you - thanks for the input!