
Hide selected playlists/tracks from public profile

Currently you can only make your ENTIRE profile private. It’d be nice if you could make playlists that someone else made, albums and artists that you have favourited or are following private.

No worries @raccoonsarecool 

If I don't have misunderstood what you said, please see here for more info :wink:

No worries @raccoonsarecool 

If I don't have misunderstood what you said, please see here for more info :wink:

You can only make playlists that you have made private. I said this in my description but you might’ve missed it

Thanks for letting me know, @raccoonsarecool I'll be passing the feedback to the relevant teams here, no problem :thumbsup_tone2:

As indicated, it already exists. That option is there, on mobile, when you create a  playlist but not from add to playlist, create a new one, because you won’t see a screen with options; instead of that, go to playlists, create new one.

Btw, i can’t see any option to edit one once is created.

Hey @walker 

In what platform you can't see the edit button? It's like a pencil on the right of the playlist, after you open it.

As indicated, it already exists. That option is there, on mobile, when you create a  playlist but not from add to playlist, create a new one, because you won’t see a screen with options; instead of that, go to playlists, create new one.

Btw, i can’t see any option to edit one once is created.


I already know you can make playlists you’ve created private. You can’t hide playlists that you’ve favourited from your public profile. I also don’t know if you can make your favourite songs playlist or just heard playlist private either.



could you please unmark this as already exists if you can?

Hi @raccoonsarecool 

I had to amend the title so that this can be put for discussion :wink: which is part of the process anyway. Thanks for explaining in detail :thumbsup_tone2:

Hey @walker 

In what platform you can't see the edit button? It's like a pencil on the right of the playlist, after you open it.

Found it, inside playlist. I was searching that option in my Playlists, 3 dots button